Friday, April 25, 2014

Ideal spouse in ISLAM

Ideal spouse in ISLAM

When living in a free, perverted and corrupt Western society, the Muslim male youth finds many temptations and tests, as a result of mixing with females, which he must face and overcome. He must constantly resist these temptations, which are thrown at him in the streets, on the media, and at work. And so the wisdom of the Prophet (pbuh) echoes on, when he said: "O young men, those among you who can support a wife should marry, for it restrains the eyes from casting (evil glances), and preserves one from immorality..."

When seriously considering marriage, you must pose the question to yourself as to just what kind of wife you want, what her qualities should be in order to establish an Islamic and peaceful household, and how you will know who she is.

As Muslims, we believe that Allah(swt) wants the best for us, and that His Prophet (pbuh) illustrated this through his own life. So note that by following the advise of our own Creator, and that of His beloved servant, we can only be successful.

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