Friday, April 25, 2014

Some advice for my brothers and sisters....

Some advice for my brothers and sisters:;;;;
1. Keep your personal life off social networking sites.
2. Take down any pictures of yourself, your relatives or any living (or dead) thing for that matter.
3. Spend more time reading The Speech of Allah (The Qur’an) than the speech of people.
4. Spend less time debating and more time contemplating (on The Qu’ran). Stay away from quarrelling and argumentation.
5. Avoid mentioning your good deeds on social networking sites, even if you don’t intend showing off. The devil runs through the veins of the children of Adam.
6.Spend more time connecting the ties of kinship and giving dawah to relatives than connecting to the Internet.
7. Prioritize your deeds so you know which ones have higher priority than others. Through knowledge and insight you’ll know what has priority.
8. Schedule a time for reading, memorizing and contemplating on The Qu’ran the same way you give time for the internet.
9. Don’t say or do anything that you don’t have proof for. Do not innovate in the religion nor precede the scholars in giving religious verdicts.
10. If you ask, then Ask from Allah. Put your trust in Him as this is from faith.
*Ask Him for beneficial with this you can distinguish good from evil, and right from wrong.
Ask Him for the ability to do good deeds. This is the goal and intent of gaining knowledge is to aft upon it.
Ask Him for all the good in this life and the hereafter.

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