Monday, May 5, 2014

Adopt truthfulness !!!

Adopt truthfulness !!!
Lying is a common part of human relationships. People lie for
a variety of reasons. They may lie as part of self-presentation, in
order to present a more favorable image to others. People may
also lie in order to minimize conflict, because lying may make
disagreements less obvious. Although lying may serve useful
functions in these respects, it can also be damaging to
relationships. An exposed lie undermines trust and sows
suspicion, because a person who has been lied to is likely to
mistrust the person who lied, in the future too.
Lying is a degrading evil, rampant in our societies. Deceiving
others with the canny use of words is seen as clever. Public
figures lie. Governments lie. One of the distinctions of our age is
that lying no longer carries the stigma it once did. Today lying has
become institutionalized. It is the way many of us live now, right
from the top, because we figured out that if we are persuasive
enough, lying works. Countries are invaded and wars are started
based on lies. “We” never lie, we just bend the truth a little, put a
spin, having no intention to mislead, but the “others” are liars.
Ours is a society that has perfected the “art” of lying. Gone are
the days when a lie destroyed the liar’s dignity and deprived him
of our trust.This is what many people of society thinks.As, we are Muslims, the foundation of our lives is laid on Islamic principles which we must adopt...Must not we ?
Islam views lying as a serious evil. Allah says in the Quran:
“And do not say that of which you have no knowledge.”
(Quran 17:36)
The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) stressed the importance of always being truthful and the seriousness of habitual lying, “TRUTHFULNESS leads to piety and piety leads to the PARADISE. A man should be truthful until he is written down as truthful with Allah. LYING leads to deviance and deviance leads to the FIRE. A man will lie until he is written down as a liar with Allah.” [Sahih Muslim 2607 c].
Truth is to state what corresponds with reality, how things are, and is the opposite of lying. The malice of lying is tied to hypocrisy as described by the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), “If anyone has four characteristics, he is a pure HYPOCRITE, and if anyone has one of them, he has an aspect of hypocrisy until he gives it up: whenever he is trusted, he betrays his trust; whenever he SPEAKS, he LIES; when he makes an agreement, he breaks it; and when he quarrels, he deviates from the truth by speaking falsely.” { Riyad as-Salihin Book 2, Hadith 690,Muslim and Bukhari }
The Prophet’s teaching is that we try our best to free ourselves of
hypocrisy by keeping our trusts, telling the truth, keeping our
promises, and not speaking falsely.
Islamically, the most heinous lie is against Allah, His prophets,
His revelation, and bearing false witness. We should be careful
not to make false excuses like ‘I was too busy or I forgot,’ or say
words that can be taken as promises by others like ‘I’ll call back
tomorrow,’ with no such intention. At the same time, not lying
should not be confused with impoliteness, ‘saying as it is,’ but we
should be careful not to lie about little things when no one
apparently gets hurt. This can be done by carefully choosing our
words.If we just stop lying on small things,we could save ourselves from habitual lying and that could bring more peace in our lives.

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