Friday, June 27, 2014


[In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful]
The literal meaning of I'tikaf is - to stick to something, whether good or bad, and to block out everything else. Allah mentions in the Holy Qur'an that Abraham asked his people :
" "What are these statues to which you pay devotion[akifun] to?" [Qur'an 21:52]
--that is, what they devoted themselves to in worship?
In Islamic context, I'tikaf means: ‘To confine oneself in a mosque for prayers, invocations and Ibadah, leaving the worldly activities for a limited no. of days.’ It is one another recommended Sunnah which bears great rewards for the person who does it. A Mu’takif (one who observes I'tikaf) is supposed to devote himself to Ibadah during these days, away from worldly affairs. The Ibadah may include performing Nawafil prayers, Invocations, Recitation & understanding of Qur’an, Reading & understanding ahadith etc. And, mostly, Itikaf is associated with trying to find out the ‘Night of Qadr‘.
An-Nawawi records in his book Riyad us-Saliheen:
Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, reported:
"Allah's Apostle, sallallahu allihi wasallam, used to practise seclusion in Mosque (Itikaf) in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan."
[Source: Sahih Bukhari 3:33:242 :, Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi]
It was also reported by Syyidah Aisha, razi'Allahu anha :
"The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu allihi wasallam, used to practice Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan till he died and then his wives used to practice I'tikaf after him."
[Source: Sahih Bukhari 3:33:243 & Sahih Muslim 1172, Grade: Sahih]
Also one of the companions, Abu Huraira, razi'Allahu anho, reported:
"The beloved Prophet, sallallahu allihi wasallam, used to perform Itikaf every year in the month of Ramadan for ten days, and when it was the year of his death, he stayed in Itikaf for twenty days."
[Source: Sahih Bukhari 1939, Grade: Sahih]
This case of doing Itikaf for twenty days is related to the fact that Rasool-Allah (PBUH) did not observe Itikaf one year (i.e. the year preceding his death) and then he observed it the following year for twenty days. This tells us that we can observe Itikaf for more than ten days i.e. twenty days. This narration also tells us that Itikaf can be observed during mid ten days of the month of Ramadan as well.
Narrated by Abu Said, razi'Allahu anho: The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu allihi wasallam said :
"Whoever makes I`tikaf with me is to make I'tikaf during the last ten [nights of Ramadan]."
[Recorded by Bukhari and classified as Saheeh]
There are three types of Itikaaf :
1> I'tikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan. This is sunnah.
2> I'tikaaf on any other day is nafl (voluntary).
3> I'tikaaf as a result of a vow (e.g. someone vowed that if a certain desire of his/her was fulfilled, he/she would perform Itikaaf for two days.). The performance of this Itikaaf is waajib (necessary). This may be done, for example, by an oath: "For Allah I must make i'tikaf," or by a conditional oath: "If Allah cures me, I shall make i'tikaf ..."
It was narrated by Abdullah bin Umar :
'Umar bin Al-Khattab said, "O Allah's Apostle! I vowed in the Pre-lslamic period to perform I'tikaf in Al-Masjid-al-Haram for one night."
The Prophet said :
"Fulfill your vow."
So, He performed Itikaf for one night.
[Source : Sahih Bukahri 3:33:258 ; Status : Sahih]
In one other similar narration, by Abdullah bin Umar
'Umar bin Al-Khattab said, "O Allah's Apostle! I vowed in the Pre-lslamic period to perform Itikaf in Al-Masjid-al-Haram for one night." The Prophet said, "Fulfill your vow." So, he performed Itikaf for one night.
[Source : Sahih Bukhari 3:33:259 ; Status : Sahih]
Imam Ash-Shafi’ee, may Allah have mercy on them, said:
"Whoever desires to follow the example of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, should seek seclusion in the mosque during the last ten nights of Ramadan; so let him enter the mosque before the setting of the sun on the twenty first night."
[Source: Al-Majmu An-Nawawi 501]

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