Monday, July 28, 2014


Photo: ‎✦ EID MUBARAK !!!✦

Eid Mubarak For those people celebrating EID especially in Middle East Countries & Advanced Eid Mubarak for others. "We ask that you pray for those who are in need, the weak, the hungry, and the oppressed."

☛ May Allah accept our fasts, prayers, charity, and all good works done this month, and help us bring those good habits into the rest of the year until we are blessed with another Ramadan. May Allah forgive our many shortcomings and sins. May Allah Most High bless us in abundance, give us long, healthy, happy lives of 'ibaadah and have rahmah on our parents, siblings, spouses, children and loved ones today and always.

☛ Ya Allah we beseech You alone, because to You belongs all praise; You have no partner, You are One, Unique, eternally besought Independent, neither begets, nor begotten, and there is none comparable unto You; and Muhammad is Your servant and Messenger, Your blessings be on him and on his companions and descendants, and all who followed him in righteousness.

☛ O He who every day, exercises universal power, so it was under Your mandate we were taken care of, and because of which we are among those who receive Your response, follow Your religion, and call You alone.

☛ You assisted us from the day we were born, through Your favors, generosity and kindness, thereafter, Your favors followed one another in succession, and likewise, also Your rewards and mercy.

☛ Maybe we were slow, forgetful, neglectful, careless and indolent, but You completed Your favors, and always thought of us, bestowed Your favors on us, directed us, so by Your power it is as it should be O our God, Master, and Lord, You brought Your favors to fullness, and did not withdraw any blessing; verily You are the worthiest of all who grant favors, and it is You who perfected Your bounties for us.

☛ O Allah we paid attention, obeyed, and responded to Your call, and it was also Your favor to us, therefore, praise is for You alone, we seek Your pardon O our Lord, and unto You we shall return.

☛ O Allah, our Lord - Nourishes, verily we have heard a crier calling unto faith: "Believe you in your Lord!" So we believed.

☛ Our Lord! Therefore forgive us our sins, and remit from us our evil deeds, and make us die the death of the righteous.

☛ Our Lord! And give us that which You have promised to us by Your Messengers, confound us not on the Day of Judgment, verily, You do not break the covenant.

☛ O Allah be our witness that we were upright and firm in religion in the light of that which the Messenger Muhammad (ﷺ)  and his companions, family and righteous followers set forth, blessings of Allah be on him and them; our path is their path, whatever they said we say, we cherish that which they held dear, we deny that which they denied, we are fond of whoever they loved, we condemn whomsoever they censured, we are kind to whomsoever they treated with kindness.

☛ O Allah keep us in this condition forever, never withdraw it from us, let it stay stable with us, not as a passing phase, so far as we are kept alive, and make us die likewise when the time comes, because this alone will give us happiness, O the Most Merciful of all who show mercy!

 ☛ Ameen Ameen Ameen.


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Eid Mubarak For those people celebrating EID especially in Middle East Countries & Advanced Eid Mubarak for others. "We ask that you pray for those who are in need, the weak, the hungry, and the oppressed."

☛ May Allah accept our fasts, prayers, charity, and all good works done this month, and help us bring those good habits into the rest of the year until we are blessed with another Ramadan. May Allah forgive our many shortcomings and sins. May Allah Most High bless us in abundance, give us long, healthy, happy lives of 'ibaadah and have rahmah on our parents, siblings, spouses, children and loved ones today and always.

☛ Ya Allah we beseech You alone, because to You belongs all praise; You have no partner, You are One, Unique, eternally besought Independent, neither begets, nor begotten, and there is none comparable unto You; and Muhammad is Your servant and Messenger, Your blessings be on him and on his companions and descendants, and all who followed him in righteousness.

☛ O He who every day, exercises universal power, so it was under Your mandate we were taken care of, and because of which we are among those who receive Your response, follow Your religion, and call You alone.

☛ You assisted us from the day we were born, through Your favors, generosity and kindness, thereafter, Your favors followed one another in succession, and likewise, also Your rewards and mercy.

☛ Maybe we were slow, forgetful, neglectful, careless and indolent, but You completed Your favors, and always thought of us, bestowed Your favors on us, directed us, so by Your power it is as it should be O our God, Master, and Lord, You brought Your favors to fullness, and did not withdraw any blessing; verily You are the worthiest of all who grant favors, and it is You who perfected Your bounties for us.

☛ O Allah we paid attention, obeyed, and responded to Your call, and it was also Your favor to us, therefore, praise is for You alone, we seek Your pardon O our Lord, and unto You we shall return.

☛ O Allah, our Lord - Nourishes, verily we have heard a crier calling unto faith: "Believe you in your Lord!" So we believed.

☛ Our Lord! Therefore forgive us our sins, and remit from us our evil deeds, and make us die the death of the righteous.

☛ Our Lord! And give us that which You have promised to us by Your Messengers, confound us not on the Day of Judgment, verily, You do not break the covenant.

☛ O Allah be our witness that we were upright and firm in religion in the light of that which the Messenger Muhammad (ﷺ) and his companions, family and righteous followers set forth, blessings of Allah be on him and them; our path is their path, whatever they said we say, we cherish that which they held dear, we deny that which they denied, we are fond of whoever they loved, we condemn whomsoever they censured, we are kind to whomsoever they treated with kindness.

☛ O Allah keep us in this condition forever, never withdraw it from us, let it stay stable with us, not as a passing phase, so far as we are kept alive, and make us die likewise when the time comes, because this alone will give us happiness, O the Most Merciful of all who show mercy!

☛ Ameen Ameen Ameen.

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