Friday, July 18, 2014

Iʿtikāf -- I’tikaf is a great Sunnah:

Iʿtikāf -- I’tikaf is a great Sunnah:
Itikaf means staying in the mosque (usually during the last 10 days of Ramadan) for a specific purpose which is to worship Allah. 
Note: Women may also observe Itikaf at home. It was a constant practice of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be him and his wives).

Itikaf offers an immense hidden benefit, which is protection from the effects of excessive socializing. Itikaf also offers protection from the evil consequences of excessive food, drink, sex, talking , sleeping too much, socializing & other distractions because a person usually does Itikaf on his own, turning to Allah by praying Qiyamul-Layl (Night prayers), reading Quran, making Dhikr, reciting dua, and so on. Undoubt-edly, a person’s success in freeing himself from excessive socializing, talking and sleeping, will help him to make his heart turn towards Allah, and will protect him from the opposite.

The Virtues of I’tikaf:
The benefits & rewards for sitting I’tikaf are immense:
Ali Ibn Hussain (RA) narrates from his father that Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “He who observes the ten days I’tikaf during Ramadhan will obtain the reward of two Hajj & two Umrah.” (Bayhaqi)

Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) reported that Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said: “Whosoever for Allah’s sake did even one days i’tikaf, Allah would keep him away from Jahannam by trenches.” (Tabarani)

Ibn Abbas (RA) reported that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, (about him who engages in i’tikaf), “that he is safe from sin & he also gets that reward which everyone (outside i’tikaf) gets for pious deeds.” (Ibn Majah)

If a person cannot sit I’tikaf for the full ten days & nights then they should try & sit I’thikaf on as many days & nights as they possibly can.

They can make intention of doing Nawafil I’tikaf everytime they enter the Masjid so a person will be rewarded for the duration of their stay in the Masjid as long as they did not commit any sins or indulge in idle talk.

What an amazing opportunity for us to gain such immense & abundant rewards aswell as closeness to Allah. We can also take this opportunity to strengthen & boost our imaan (faith) for the rest of the year.

May Allah (SWT) inspire us & give us the ability to act on the knowledge we have gained.

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