Wednesday, July 23, 2014

THE GRAVE: Question 1

THE GRAVE: Question 1

When you have fever, you do you ask for help? Can your friends help you? Can you help yourself? No.

How many times has it happened that you were in deep trouble, and you called everyone you knew to ask them for help, and none of them were of any use? And then you started saying oh Allah, oh Allah, and so Allah (SwT) sent help?

When you are in the grave, can anyone other than Allah (SwT) protect you? On the Day of Judgement, can your friends save you from the Hellfire? Will the people you know sacrifice themselves to save you? No.

In all of the above examples, we see that no one except Allah (SwT) can help. So, if no one except Allah (SwT) can help, why should it matter what other people do, say or think?

Who cares what my friends are doing? Who cares what other people think of me? As long as I am trying to make Allah (SwT) happy, nothing else, and no one else, matters.

Oh Allah, please forgive me for all the times I had placed my hopes in others, instead of You alone. Ameen.

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