Monday, July 28, 2014

What is Recommended On the Day of Eid Al Fitr?

What is Recommended On the Day of Eid Al Fitr?
To wake up early, preferably before Fajr or at the entering of Fajr
To pray the Fajr group prayer in the masjid
To eat something sweet after the Fajr prayer before going to the Eid prayer area
To eat dates if one can find them, and to eat them in amounts of odd numbers
To perform the purificatory bath (ghusl) before the Eid prayer, even for a person who is not attending the prayer
To clean one’s teeth with a siwak or similar object as much as possible
To wear scented perfume (women do not wear strong scented perfume outside of their homes)
To wear the best of one’s clothes, which consist of the most beautiful, cleanest or newest garments, even if they are not white
To make one’s happiness and joy apparent, thanking Allah for one’s blessings
To smile and display one’s happiness when meeting others
To give much in non-obligatory charity, more than one’s usual habit
To direct oneself to the Eid prayer area, while saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ quietly to oneself and to stop saying it when the Imam begins the Eid prayer
To go to the Eid prayer area by foot
To pay the sadaqat al-fitr (zakat al-fitr) if it is necessary for one to do so
To arrive early at the Eid prayer area so one can pray in the first line
To return from a different direction after performing the Eid prayer

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