Thursday, August 21, 2014

Allah is the best of planners:

Allah is the best of planners:
Bismillah Ar Rahmaan Ar Raheem
"Remember how the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out ( of thy home). They plot and plan, and ALLAH too plans, but the Best of planners is ALLAH. "
[Surah Al Anfal 8:30 ]
The plots against Mustafa in Makkah aimed at three things. They were not only foiled, but ALLAH's wonderful working turned the tables, and brought good out of evil in each case. (1) They tried to hold the Prophet in subjection in Makkah by putting pressure on his uncles,relatives and friends. But the more they persecuted,the more the little Muslim community grew in Faith and numbers. (2) They tried to injure or slay him. But the wonderful example of his humility,perseverance and fearlessness furthered the cause of Islam. (3) They tried to get him and his followers out of their homes. But they found a new home in Madinah,from which they eventually reconquerred not only Makkah, but Arabia and the world.
"And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and ALLAH too planned, and the Best of planners is ALLAH. "
[Surah Ali Imran 3:54]
The Arabic makara has both a bad and a good meaning, that of making an intricate plan to carry out some secret purpose. The enemies of ALLAH (Subhana Wa Ta' la) are constantly doing that. But ALLAH- in whose hands is all good- has His plans also, against which the evil ones will have no chance whatever.
Subhana ALLAH!

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