Thursday, August 28, 2014

Don't be silenced, say NO to domestic violence

Many cultures think it is the man's God-given right to hit a woman.

In abusive situations where women are the victims, the ones who do gather the courage to tell are told by their families to go back to their abusers for the sake of family, honor, name, children, to be patient and forgive her spouse after the abuse. Cultural narratives often define why many women do not seek help – i.e. thinking that your husband is Majazi Khuda, a metaphorical God – especially in the South Asian culture. What is that? That is not Islam.
That is Jahiliyyah (ignorance).

Have you ever heard in the sīrah of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam), the Mercy to the World, that he ever struck anyone, wife, child, servant, ever? If you aspire to follow his Sunnah, be a husband like him. He was the living embodiment of the Qur'ān.

It is the greatest irony that the verse in the Qur'ān which came down to eliminate domestic violence is used to propagate domestic violence.

Renowned scholars say that any woman who is suffering from domestic abuse should go to the proper authorities and report her husband because he is committing a sin. If the Muslims won't help her then she can go to anybody else who will grant her sanctuary.

In our deen, even animals have rights and no one can humiliate or torture them so what about the daughters of Adam, the best of creation?

Don't be silenced, say NO to domestic violence.

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