Monday, August 25, 2014



☛ A Real Beautiful Reminder

We all know we have been put on this earth to worship Allah, and that worship involves tests. Perhaps one of the most testing of situations we all find ourselves in is when it comes to wealth; money. This is why The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) had said he was not worried about his Ummah not having enough wealth, rather he was worried that wealth would distract us, and subhanAllah how true this is!

What are we willing to do for that extra dollar, pound, dinar, dirham rupee, riyal…?

While some of us struggle financially it seems that others have too much wealth; why is this so? This is something Allah has decreed and He gives to whom He wills; He should not be questioned. Lack of money is not necessarily a bad thing, and then again having money is not necessarily a bad thing either; depending on how it is used.

You see we are tested when we don’t have wealth and we are tested when we have wealth; what will we do with it? Will we lose faith because we don’t have wealth, or will we turn to Allah? When we have wealth do we use it to spend on those less fortunate than us, or does the wealth cause us to become arrogant?

SubhanAllah either way it belongs to Allaah. He is the One Who gave it and He is the One Who can take it away, and like I said, He gives to whom He wills, and there is wisdom in that; Allah knows best.

When we understand that wealth is a test we take a very different approach to obtaining and spending it. Yes, we all have expenses and we need money to survive, but that’s all it is for us, a means to survive. It should not be our goal, rather a gateway to Jannah. So in the end the little suffices.

☞ Allah Almighty Says in Holy Quran: “And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction by refraining. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.” [Surah Al Baqarah 2:195].

One should remember that one’s rizq (provision) was written 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and earth, and so each and every one of us will receive what is written for us; nothing more and nothing less! What this means is that when you have exerted all your efforts to earn, then put your trust in Allah, He will provide for you.

☞ Allah Almighty Says in Holy Quran: “And from their properties was given the right of the needy petitioner and the deprived.” [Surah Al Dhariyat 59:19]

Let's share a story of a real incident happens to a sister. A colleague approached this sister because he felt they were not getting paid enough and needed more people to register this complaint. She wasn’t really bothered, but because it meant she would be helping someone else she went along with it. So this colleague only informed others because he wanted the increase in pay, and subhanAllah he did all the calculations, paperwork and so on. It so turned out that they were underpaid, but guess what? The sister ended up getting a payout, and yet her colleague who had initiated the process didn’t. SubhanAllah, this money came the sister’s way, without any effort on her part. It was her rizq (provision) ma shaa’Allah, whereas her colleague didn’t get anything; this was not written for him.

☞ Allah Almighty Says in Holy Quran: “…And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out from every difficulty. And He will provide for him from sources he could never imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things”. [Surah Al Talaq, 65: 2-3].

Subhan’Allah what is ours will come to us; Allah will not abandon His believers. However, there are ways in which we can increase our provisions, one of which is seeking forgiveness.

☞ Allah Almighty Says in Holy Quran: “And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send rain from the sky upon you in continuing showers And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers”. [Surah Nuh 71:10-12]

We must increasing in astighfaar (seeking forgiveness) is a means of increasing one’s wealth. This has proven true for many. Try it…what have you got to lose…?

☛ If you benefited from this reminder please share with others. 

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☛ A Real Beautiful Reminder

We all know we have been put on this earth to worship Allah, and that worship involves tests. Perhaps one of the most testing of situations we all find ourselves in is when it comes to wealth; money. This is why The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) had said he was not worried about his Ummah not having enough wealth, rather he was worried that wealth would distract us, and subhanAllah how true this is!

What are we willing to do for that extra dollar, pound, dinar, dirham rupee, riyal…?

While some of us struggle financially it seems that others have too much wealth; why is this so? This is something Allah has decreed and He gives to whom He wills; He should not be questioned. Lack of money is not necessarily a bad thing, and then again having money is not necessarily a bad thing either; depending on how it is used.

You see we are tested when we don’t have wealth and we are tested when we have wealth; what will we do with it? Will we lose faith because we don’t have wealth, or will we turn to Allah? When we have wealth do we use it to spend on those less fortunate than us, or does the wealth cause us to become arrogant?

SubhanAllah either way it belongs to Allaah. He is the One Who gave it and He is the One Who can take it away, and like I said, He gives to whom He wills, and there is wisdom in that; Allah knows best.

When we understand that wealth is a test we take a very different approach to obtaining and spending it. Yes, we all have expenses and we need money to survive, but that’s all it is for us, a means to survive. It should not be our goal, rather a gateway to Jannah. So in the end the little suffices.

☞ Allah Almighty Says in Holy Quran: “And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction by refraining. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.” [Surah Al Baqarah 2:195].

One should remember that one’s rizq (provision) was written 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and earth, and so each and every one of us will receive what is written for us; nothing more and nothing less! What this means is that when you have exerted all your efforts to earn, then put your trust in Allah, He will provide for you.

☞ Allah Almighty Says in Holy Quran: “And from their properties was given the right of the needy petitioner and the deprived.” [Surah Al Dhariyat 59:19]

Let's share a story of a real incident happens to a sister. A colleague approached this sister because he felt they were not getting paid enough and needed more people to register this complaint. She wasn’t really bothered, but because it meant she would be helping someone else she went along with it. So this colleague only informed others because he wanted the increase in pay, and subhanAllah he did all the calculations, paperwork and so on. It so turned out that they were underpaid, but guess what? The sister ended up getting a payout, and yet her colleague who had initiated the process didn’t. SubhanAllah, this money came the sister’s way, without any effort on her part. It was her rizq (provision) ma shaa’Allah, whereas her colleague didn’t get anything; this was not written for him.

☞ Allah Almighty Says in Holy Quran: “…And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out from every difficulty. And He will provide for him from sources he could never imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things”. [Surah Al Talaq, 65: 2-3].

Subhan’Allah what is ours will come to us; Allah will not abandon His believers. However, there are ways in which we can increase our provisions, one of which is seeking forgiveness.

☞ Allah Almighty Says in Holy Quran: “And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send rain from the sky upon you in continuing showers And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers”. [Surah Nuh 71:10-12]

We must increasing in astighfaar (seeking forgiveness) is a means of increasing one’s wealth. This has proven true for many. Try it…what have you got to lose…?

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