Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Purify Your Intention!

Photo: Our ‘niyyah’ (intention) is what dictates the value and the reward we hope to obtain, so the first thing we need to do is ‘un-categorize’ our day-to-day actions. View them as actions we can use to advance us in our journey towards Jannah Inshā Allāh. Treat these actions as deeds (big or small), as a valid opportunity to bank some ‘ajr’ (reward). In order to keep the good deed counter ticking, we need to make a conscious effort to adjust our perspective. This will help you reap the maximum benefits from your daily routines!

Click to read more: http://proms.ly/1lw5RFH 

May Allāh help us to purify our intentions for every single deed we do in our lives. Aameen!

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