Sunday, October 12, 2014

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) part 35 :

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) part 35 :
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) orders the destruction of the idols :
The Muslim army entered the city openly and peacefully. No house was robbed, no man or woman was insulted. The Prophet(ﷺ) granted a general pardon to the entire population of Mecca. Only four criminals, whom justice condemned, were prohibited. He(ﷺ) did however, order the destruction of all idols and pagan images of worship, upon which three hundred and fifty idols which were in the Sacred House of Ka'ba were thrown down. The Prophet(ﷺ) himself destroyed a wooden pigeon hung from the roof and regarded as one of the deities of the Quraish.
During the downfall of the images and idols he(ﷺ) was heard to cry aloud: "Allah is great. Truth has come and falsehood has vanished; verily falsehood is fading." The old idolaters observed thoughtfully the destruction of their gods, which were utterly powerless. After the Prophet(ﷺ) had abolished these pagan idols and every pagan rite, he delivered a sermon to the assembled people. He(ﷺ) emphasized the natural brotherhood of man in the words of the Qur'an:
"O Mankind! We have created you for a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you in the Sight of Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa (one of the Muttaqun, pious, and righteous persons who fear Allah much, abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden), and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained.) Verily Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Ch 49:13 Quran)
Narrated Hisham's father: When Allah's Messenger(ﷺ) set out (towards Mecca) during the year of the invasion (of Mecca) and this news reached (the infidels of Quraish), Abu Sufyan, Hakim Ibn Hizam and Budail Ibn Waraqa came out to gather information about Allah's Messenger. They proceeded on their way till they reached a place called Marr-az-Zahran (which is near Mecca). Behold! There they saw many fires as if they were the fires of Arafat." Budail Ibn Waraqa' said: "Banu' Amr(tribe on the outskirt of Medina) are less in number than that." Some of the guards of Allah's Messenger saw them and took them over, caught them, and brought them to Allah's Messenger(ﷺ). Abu Sufyan embraced Islam.When the Prophet proceeded, he said to Al' Abbas: "Keep Abu Sufyan standing at the top of the mountain so that he would look at the Muslims. So Al- Abbas kept him standing (at that place) and the tribes with the Prophet(ﷺ) started passing in front of Abu Sufyan in military batches.
A batch passed in front of Abu Sufyan and said: "O 'Abbas who are these?" 'Abbas said: "They are Banu Ghaifar." Abu Sufyan said: "I have got nothing to do with Ghifar." Then a batch of the tribe of
Juhaina passed by and he said similarly as above. Then a batch of the tribe of Sa'd Ibn Huzaim passed by and he said similarly as above. Then came a batch, the like of which Abu Sufyan had
not seen. He said: "Who are these?" Abbas said: "They are the Ansar headed by Sa'd Ibn 'Ubada, the one holding the flag." Sa'd Ibn 'Ubada said: "O Abu Sufyan! Today is the day of a great battle
and today (what is prohibited in) the Ka'ba will be permissible." Abu Sufyan said, "O Abbas! How excellent the day of destruction is!" Then came another batch of warriors which was the smallest
of all the batches, and in it there was Allah's Messenger and his companions, and the flag of the Prophet was carried by Az-Zubair Ibn Al-Awwam.
When Allah's Messenger(ﷺ) passed by Abu Sufyan, the latter said to the Prophet: "Do you know what Sa'd Ibn Ubada said?" The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "What did he say?" Abu Sufyan said: "He said so-and-so." The Prophet(ﷺ) said: "Sa'd told a lie, but today Allah will give superiority to the Ka'ba and today the Ka'ba will be covered with a cloth covering." Allah's Messenger ordered that his flag be fixed at Al-Hajun(( جنة المعلى - Garden of the Mualla ) also known as Al-Hajun, is a famous cemetery located in Mecca, present-day Saudi Arabia some distance away from the Masjid al-Haram (The Sacred Mosque) to the southeast. It is the place where Muhammad's wife, grandfather, and other ancestors are buried).
In sha Allah,will be continued. {Ref : Stories of Prophets by Ibn Kathir(rahimahullah)}

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