Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) part 36 :

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) part 36 :
The continued part of invasion of Mecca : It is narrated by Urwa, Nafi Ibn Jubair Ibn Mut'im said : I heard Al -Abbas saying to Az Zubair Ibn Al-Awwam ,''O Abu Abdullah! Did Allah's Messenger(ﷺ) order you to fix the flag here?' "Allah's Messenger ordered Khalid Ibn Al-Walid to enter Mecca from its upper part from Kadaa' while the Prophet(ﷺ) himself entered from Kudaa. Two men from the cavalry(horse soldiers) of Khalid Ibn Al-Walid named Hubaish Ibn Al Ashar and Kurz Ibn Jabir Al-Fihri were martyred on that day. (Sahih Al Bukhari)
Now great multitudes(groups) came to adopt Islam and take the oath of allegiance to the Prophet(ﷺ). For this purpose an assembly was held at As-Safa Mountain. Umar, acting as the Prophet's(ﷺ) deputy administered the oath, whereby the people bound themselves not to adore any deity(creator) but Allah to obey the Prophet to abstain from theft, adultery, infanticide, lying and backbiting. Thus was fulfilled the prophecy symbolized in the Surah Al Fath in the Quran. During his stay at Mecca, the Prophet(ﷺ) sent his principal disciples in every direction to preach Islam among the wild tribes of the desert and call them to the true religion of Allah. He(ﷺ) sent small detachments of his troops into the suburbs who destroyed the temples of Al Uzza,Suwaa, and Manat, the three famous idols in the temples of the neighboring tribes.
The Prophet(ﷺ) gave strict orders that these missions should be carried out in a peaceable manner. These orders were obeyed in all cases, with one exception. The troops under Khalid Ibn Al-Walid, the fierce newly-converted warrior, killed a few of the Bani Jazima. When the news of this intentional bloodshed reached the Prophet(ﷺ), he was deeply grieved and exclaimed: "Oh, my Lord, I am innocent of what Khalid has done." He(ﷺ) dispatched a large sum of money for the widows and orphans of the murdered and severely criticized Khalid.
At this time the tribes of Hawazin and Thakif showed unwillingness to render obedience to the Muslims without resistance. They formed a league with the intention of attacking the Prophet(ﷺ), but he was watchful enough to frustrate their plan. A big battle was fought with this new enemy of Islam near Hunain, a deep and narrow land nine miles northeast of Mecca. The idolaters were utterly defeated. One body of the enemy, consisting chiefly of the Thakif tribe, took refuge in their surrounded city of Ta'if, which eight or nine years before had dismissed the Prophet(ﷺ) from within its walls with injuries and insults. The remainder of the defeated force, consisting principally of the Hawazin,found at a camp in the valley of Autas. This camp was attacked by the Muslim troops.
In sha Allah, will be continued. {Ref : Stories of prophets by Ibn Kathir (rahimahullah)}

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