Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) part 38 :

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) part 38 :
The continued part of invasion of Mecca : The conversion of this tribe of Ta'if is worthy of notice. This tribe, which towards to had proved opposed to the new faith, was noted among the Arabs for its idolatrous priesthood. A small detachment under Ali(radhi Allahu anhu) was sent to reduce them to obedience and to destroy their idols. The prince of the tribe was 'Adi, the son of the famous Hatim, whose generosity was spoken of all over Arabia. On the approach of the Muslim force, Adi fled to Syria, leaving his sister with his principal groupmen, to fall into the hands of the Muslims. These were conducted by Ali with every sign of respect and sympathy to Medina.
When the daughter of Hatim came before the Prophet(ﷺ), she addressed him in the following words: "Messenger of Allah, my father is dead; my brother, my only relation fled into the mountains on the approach of the Muslims. I cannot ransom(pay-off) myself; I count on your generosity for my deliverance. My father was a respected man, the prince of his tribe, a man who ransomed prisoners, protected the honor of women, fed the poor, clothe afflicted, and was deaf to no appeal." The Prophet(ﷺ) replied: "Your father had the virtues of a true
Muslim; if it were permitted to invoke the mercy of Allah on any whose life was passed in idolatry, I would pray to Allah for mercy for the soul of Hatim."
Then, addressing the Muslims around him, he(ﷺ) said: "the daughter of Hatim is free, her father was a generous and humane man; Allah loves and rewards the merciful." With the daughter of Hatim, all her people were set at liberty. She proceeded to Syria and related to her brother the generosity of Muhammad (ﷺ). 'Adi, touched by gratitude, hastened to Medina, where he was kindly received by the Prophet(ﷺ). He professed Islam and returned to his people and convinced them to abandon idolatry. They all submitted and became devoted Muslims.
Previously no prohibition had been enforced against idolaters entering the Holy Ka'ba, or performing their unpleasant rites within the sacred area. Towards the end of the ninth year of the hijrah, during the month of pilgrimage 'Ali(radhi Allahu anhu) was delegated by the Prophet(ﷺ) to read an order that ran as follows: "No idolater shall after this year perform the pilgrimage; no one shall make the circuit of the Ka'ba naked (such a disgraceful custom was practiced by the pagan Arabs); and treaty with the Prophet(ﷺ) shall continue in force but four months are allowed to every man to return to his territories; after that there will be no responsibility on the Prophet(ﷺ), except towards those with whom agreements have been concluded."
In sha Allah, will be continued. {Ref : Stories of prophets bu Ibn Kathir(rahimahullah)}

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