Monday, November 10, 2014


"What! Have they taken for (objects of worship) governors (of creation) besides Him? But it is Allah--He is the Governor (Al-Wâlî)" (42:9)
The Governor is the quality of planning the affairs of creation and assuming control over them. That is to say, the Governor takes charge of them and is capable of discharging the trust. The word suggests planning, power, and action. If all three aspects are not included, the quality of governorship is not there. There is no Governor except Allah. First of all, Allah is the only planner of creation. Secondly, Allah is responsible for and empowered with the ability to carry out the planning by actually bringing into creation everything that was planned. Thirdly, Allah is in charge of creation by perpetual and continuous actions of all the things that were planned and effected.
The whole of creation is under the governorship of Allah from before its creation to its end. Allah only says, "'Be' and it is (created)." Everything that is created is organized, grows and develops and then dies and disappears. At the time of the resurrection, all human beings will be brought back to life.

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