Sunday, November 30, 2014

Women in Islam

*Women in Islam:*
The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) he
said "It is essential for every Muslim
man and woman to acquire knowledge."
The Quran says:
Whoever works righteousness,
man or woman, and has faith,
verily to him will We give a new
life, a life that is good and pure,
and We will bestow on such their
rewards according to the best of
their actions." (Al-Nahal:97)
"To men is allotted what they earn and
to women what they earn but ask God of
His bounty.For God hath full knowledge
of all things." (Nisa:32).
Islam treats of women in four
dimensions: as mother, as daughter as
wife and as separate human being, and
gives them rights accordingly. During
the era of the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) and the Caliphate,
Muslim women played an
indispensable role in the construction
of society. They took active part in
opinion building and decision-
making. They delivered religious
discourses, ventured outside their
homes for the pursuit of knowledge
and carried on independent trade.
They even participated in Wars.
organisations should come forward
and make efforts to improve the
status of women. It is their duty to
see that Muslim women are not
deprived from proper education.
They have to see that more and more
educational institutions for girls are
opened and run efficiently, for the
benefit of women. A fully planned
strategy must be chalked out for
vocational professional training to
make them self sufficient, so that they
may stand on their feet when any such
need arises. More centres should be
opened for self-defence, training and
guidance for girls, to equip them with
adequate methods of safety.
It is a great responsibility for the
educated Muslim women to speed up
their movement and work among all
sections of the society,

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