Monday, December 1, 2014


By Safia Simon
"The newspaper (life) of London quoted a Palestinian source saying "The Jordanian King Abdullah II had threatened to cut ties with Israel.
King Abdullah of Jordan is working for Israel so was his father Husayn and grand father King Abdullah before him,
They are a very corrupt family, this also applies to the rest of the royal families and Arab rulers and presidents
The so called royal families in the Arab world and especially in Jordan know very well, that they will not be able to maintain their ruling of their countries without the approval of Israel and the rest of the corrupt western governments.
What had happened in Egypt is an example for you, when the Egyptians started to have the will and the power to vote for their president the hypocrites and corrupt western governments didnt approve of it, as this would not serves their evil interests in Egypt and the rest of the Arab world.
Therefore the corrupt western governments who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and killed more than two million Muslims in the name of forcing their new religion called democracy, but when the same democracy no longer served their purpose in the Arab world, they quickly disregard it along with their principles.
They appeared as sheep in wolves clothing in the Arab world to organise and orchestrate military coup which has already established in Egypt and Yemen and Libya and Tunisia will follow and jump on the coup's bandwagon sooner or later.
As you may know the stupid and corrupt Egyptian and the rest of the Arab military Generals are incapable of organising such coup without taken permission of their Mafia ring leaders, which in this case were corrupt western governments backed by the main devils American's government ,administration and CIA.
Therefore they managed to turn the Arab dream of revolution into an Arab nightmare.
My advice to all the revolutionaries all over the world is manifest in the verse of the glorious Quran and Malcolm x quotation
The Glorious Quran Surah Ra'd 13:11
Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves
Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.
Malcolm X

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