Saturday, January 31, 2015

Atoms van be Divided

IN THE QURAN Scientifically Proving That
Quran Is Word Of God and
Responses From Our Non –
Muslim Brethren: 1. First Proof – Life From Water in the Quran 2. Second Proof – Big Bang Theory in the Quran 3. Third Proof – Pairs in Plants in the Quran 4. Fourth Proof – Divisibility of Atom in the Quran 5. Fifth Proof – Creation of the Universe from Smoke in the Quran 6. Sixth Proof – Iron from Outer Space in the Quran 7. Seventh Proof – Stages of Human Embryonic development in the Quran 4. Divisibility Of Atom This is the fourth proof that
I am providing in my quest
of proving that Quran is
from God. Atom. The very word brings nostalgic feelings to
any physicist. From almost
2000 years people have
been speculating about the
Atom and its nature. Even
in the 20th century people thought that Atom was not
divisible and that there
was nothing smaller than
that.. But in 1897 Joseph
John Thomson (the famous
J.J. Thompson) discovered the Electron – A particle
that is smaller than the
Atom and one that resides
within it. By this great
discovery, it was proved
for good that Atom was indeed divisible and that
there were things that
were smaller than the
Atom. “J.J. Thompson discovered the electron in 1897 proving that the Atom was divisible” –The Nobel Prize By Burton Feldman, page 144 “…atoms are made up of subatomic particles. Thomson’s experiments discovered the electron, the first of the subatomic particles to be discovered. This showed that atoms are actually divisible,” http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/ Atomic_number#History This fact eluded even great
scientists like John Dalton
who all thought that Atom
was the smallest individual
particle. Heck! I remember
myself studying that outdated theory at school. Dalton postulated : - * Atoms cannot be created, divided into smaller particles, nor destroyed in the chemical process; a chemical reaction simply changes the way atoms are grouped together.” wiki/John_Dalton So that was the science of
the 20 century. Now let‘s see what the science in the
Quran has got to say about
the divisibility of Atom. Read these verses:- “ And thou (Muhammad) art not occupied with any business and thou recitest not a lecture from this (Scripture), and ye ( mankind) perform no act, but We are Witness of you when ye are engaged therein… And not an atom’s weight in the earth or in the sky escapeth your Lord, nor what is less than that or greater than that, but it is (written) in a clear Book.” Noble Quran 10:61 (Pickthall Translation) “The Unbelievers say
“Never to us will come the
hour”: say “Nay! but most
surely by my Lord it will
come upon you by Him
Who knows the unseen from Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the Heavens or on earth: nor is there anything less than that or greater but is in the Record Perspicuous:” Noble Quran 43.3 (Yusuf Ali Translation) The verses clearly state that there is nothing, just
absolutely nothing that is
hidden from Allah. All
events, deeds and things
even if they are smaller
than the Atom are recorded by Him. So do you now see
how scientific the Quran
is? Mentioning “Atom” at
that time itself is a
wonder. But mentioning
about things that are smaller than the “Atom” is
nothing short of a miracle-
A true scientific miracle
that no ordinary human
being would ever have
known at those times. How then, can we explain
the presence of these
science stunners except
that they were actually
from the being – God, that
created science and all its laws in the first place? This was the fourth proof. Wait on for the next
one and the next one and
the next. Inshallah I will be
giving you proofs from
almost every facet of
science. And oh! The discovery of electron that
proved that Atom was
divisible, won the Nobel
Prize to J.J. Thompson.

IN THE QURAN Scientifically Proving That
Quran Is Word Of God and
Responses From Our Non –
Muslim Brethren: 1. First Proof – Life From Water in the Quran 2. Second Proof – Big Bang Theory in the Quran 3. Third Proof – Pairs in Plants in the Quran 4. Fourth Proof – Divisibility of Atom in the Quran 5. Fifth Proof – Creation of the Universe from Smoke in the Quran 6. Sixth Proof – Iron from Outer Space in the Quran 7. Seventh Proof – Stages of Human Embryonic development in the Quran 4. Divisibility Of Atom This is the fourth proof that
I am providing in my quest
of proving that Quran is
from God. Atom. The very word brings nostalgic feelings to
any physicist. From almost
2000 years people have
been speculating about the
Atom and its nature. Even
in the 20th century people thought that Atom was not
divisible and that there
was nothing smaller than
that.. But in 1897 Joseph
John Thomson (the famous
J.J. Thompson) discovered the Electron – A particle
that is smaller than the
Atom and one that resides
within it. By this great
discovery, it was proved
for good that Atom was indeed divisible and that
there were things that
were smaller than the
Atom. “J.J. Thompson discovered the electron in 1897 proving that the Atom was divisible” –The Nobel Prize By Burton Feldman, page 144 “…atoms are made up of subatomic particles. Thomson’s experiments discovered the electron, the first of the subatomic particles to be discovered. This showed that atoms are actually divisible,” http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/ Atomic_number#History This fact eluded even great
scientists like John Dalton
who all thought that Atom
was the smallest individual
particle. Heck! I remember
myself studying that outdated theory at school. Dalton postulated : - * Atoms cannot be created, divided into smaller particles, nor destroyed in the chemical process; a chemical reaction simply changes the way atoms are grouped together.” wiki/John_Dalton So that was the science of
the 20 century. Now let‘s see what the science in the
Quran has got to say about
the divisibility of Atom. Read these verses:- “ And thou (Muhammad) art not occupied with any business and thou recitest not a lecture from this (Scripture), and ye ( mankind) perform no act, but We are Witness of you when ye are engaged therein… And not an atom’s weight in the earth or in the sky escapeth your Lord, nor what is less than that or greater than that, but it is (written) in a clear Book.” Noble Quran 10:61 (Pickthall Translation) “The Unbelievers say
“Never to us will come the
hour”: say “Nay! but most
surely by my Lord it will
come upon you by Him
Who knows the unseen from Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the Heavens or on earth: nor is there anything less than that or greater but is in the Record Perspicuous:” Noble Quran 43.3 (Yusuf Ali Translation) The verses clearly state that there is nothing, just
absolutely nothing that is
hidden from Allah. All
events, deeds and things
even if they are smaller
than the Atom are recorded by Him. So do you now see
how scientific the Quran
is? Mentioning “Atom” at
that time itself is a
wonder. But mentioning
about things that are smaller than the “Atom” is
nothing short of a miracle-
A true scientific miracle
that no ordinary human
being would ever have
known at those times. How then, can we explain
the presence of these
science stunners except
that they were actually
from the being – God, that
created science and all its laws in the first place? This was the fourth proof. Wait on for the next
one and the next one and
the next. Inshallah I will be
giving you proofs from
almost every facet of
science. And oh! The discovery of electron that
proved that Atom was
divisible, won the Nobel
Prize to J.J. Thompson.

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