Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Greatest Jihad is to .....

Jihad is an Arabic word from the root Jee Ha Da. It literally means to struggle or strive. Jihad is struggling or striving in the way or sake of Allah.Jihad has many forms(1/ Jihad of the heart ;It is one’s inner struggle of good against evil; refraining oneself from the whispers of Shaitan (Satan) ,2/ Jihad by the tongue It is defending Islam and spreading Islam by scholarly lectures, speeches and debates. It often overlaps with Da’awah (invitation to Islam, or spreading the message of Islam) ,3/Jihad by the pen This form of Jihad involves scholarly research of Islam in aiding the spread and defence of Islam; and publishing written articles in clearing misconceptions and correction lies against Islam ,4/Jihad by the hand; Some of its examples include giving charity to the poor and needy, performing Hajj or Ummrah, helping those who need help, saving people’s lives, etc. These are more of physical deeds instead of words. ,5/ Jihad by the sword ;Sometimes it is necessary to undertake Jihad by the sword. This would include usage of arsenals and engaging in a combat. This could be simply a bunch of freedom fighters or an organised campaign of army. Jihad by the sword is use of arms to engage into a combat. It is not misuse of arms to create violence.There are only two situations were Jihad by the sword is allowed to be undertaken. 1) For self-defence. When someone attacks you or when your nation has been attacked. Engaging into combat due to self defence. 2) Fighting against evil and unjust. It is also a sin if a Muslim sees unjust been done, capable of stopping it, yet not doing anything about it. This can include war on drug, war on child labour as well as war on terror! There are many rules and limitations when engaging in combat under the title of Jihad. For example, civilians are not to be harmed; trees are not to be cut down; asylum should be granted to surrendering enemy soldiers etc.“And if anyone of the Mushrikun seeks your protection then grant him protection, so that he may hear the Word of Allah, and then escort him to where he can be secure, that is because they are men who know not.” {Quran, Surah 9: At-Taubah, Verse 6; Mohsin Translation} The above verse states that when an enemy soldier surrenders during a battle, the Muslim soldiers must grant asylum and in addition, escort him to safety! The treatment for prisoners of war is also clearly stated in the Quran . Prisoners of war under Muslim prisons are to eat, drink the same Muslim soldiers eat and drink . And even under the unfortunate event of shortage of food, it is the prisoners who are to eat first before the Muslim soldiers guarding them!

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