Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Reading horoscopes is shirk

Reading horoscopes is shirk
They say i'm just reading them only
But why do some Muslims have to read horoscopes ?
If you don't believe in it you won't waste a second to read or look for it but why do you still care to read it?
Astrology, palm-reading, reading coffee cups, divination, and other things practised by fortunetellers and practitioners of witchcraft are all sciences of jaahiliyyah which are forbidden by Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, and are actions which Islam came to declare false and warn against doing them or going to those who do them and asking them about anything or believing what they say – because that is knowledge of the unseen which Allah has kept to Himself.
I can't afford that my salah is not to be accepted for 40 days !

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