Tuesday, January 6, 2015



Yes you heard it and your probably astonished and intrigued, why would Umar whip a people who gather "to sing poems, sending salwaat, make dhikr, make dua etc, together", is there anything wrong with that......surely not? 

In fact, there is something wrong with that! And the following narration will explain why...

From Abu Uthmaan an-Nahdi who said: ‘A worker for Umar bin al-Khattab wrote to Umar saying that there are a group of people who gather together to make Dua’ for the Muslims and the leader.’
So Umar - radiyAllahu anhu- wrote to him: ‘Bring them to me with yourself.’ 

The man came and Umar said to the doorman, prepare the whip. When they entered upon Umar -Radi Allaahu anhu- he descended upon their leader by hitting him with the whip.’ [1]

The rightly guided Khalifah Umar bin al-Khattab - radiyAllahu anhu- rejected that a group gathered to make dua/dhikr in a form that the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- did not do, nor did the best of his Companions. To the extent Umar -radiyAllahu anhu- did not suffice by rejecting what they did by just speaking about it, rather he beat their leader with a whip, and this shows the great concern the Companions had in rejecting innovated Bida’ in the Deen.

So now I ask you, Umar radiyAllahu anh whipped a group of people for merely gathering together to make Dua, and that is the only thing they did! So how about when a group of people gather in the name of "Mawlid", and not just do Dua alone, they also sing and some even dance!! From the 'babul awlaa' (i.e. the door of priority), those who gather to celebrate the Mawlid are MORE deserving of being whipped than those people who merely gathered for Dua during the time of the companions!

[1] Collected by Ibn Abi Shaybah (8/558) from Muwayeeyah bin Hisham who said Sufyaan narrated to us from Sa’eed al-Jareeree from Abi Uthmaan, & its chain is Hasan.

NOTE: Some stubborn opposers will come now and say, "what about such and such scholar who allowed Mawlid, are you saying he is to be whipped as well?! "

The answer is simple, this scholar, whoever he is, provided that he performed ijtihad genuinely seeking the truth and if he comes to an issue and makes a mistake he gets one reward. If he gets it right he gets two rewards. Those scholars in the past who for whatever reason, whether it be socio-political reasons or other than it, whom were not exposed to all of the narrations and the correct understanding, then they would without doubt submit once the truth had been clarified to them. This is the key difference between a stubborn practitioner of Mawlid and a scholar who strives sincerely in order to arrive at the truth. So no doubt, those scholars, had they been exposed to all of the evidences and the correct understanding then they would submit to the truth. So they do not deserve to be whipped, however their mistakes are to be clarified for the benefit of the ummah. As for those scholars of innovation, then no doubt they deserved to be refuted and punished.

And Allah knows best.

Yes you heard it and your probably astonished and intrigued, why would Umar whip a people who gather "to sing poems, sending salwaat, make dhikr, make dua etc, together", is there anything wrong with that......surely not?
In fact, there is something wrong with that! And the following narration will explain why...
From Abu Uthmaan an-Nahdi who said: ‘A worker for Umar bin al-Khattab wrote to Umar saying that there are a group of people who gather together to make Dua’ for the Muslims and the leader.’
So Umar - radiyAllahu anhu- wrote to him: ‘Bring them to me with yourself.’
The man came and Umar said to the doorman, prepare the whip. When they entered upon Umar -Radi Allaahu anhu- he descended upon their leader by hitting him with the whip.’ [1]
The rightly guided Khalifah Umar bin al-Khattab - radiyAllahu anhu- rejected that a group gathered to make dua/dhikr in a form that the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- did not do, nor did the best of his Companions. To the extent Umar -radiyAllahu anhu- did not suffice by rejecting what they did by just speaking about it, rather he beat their leader with a whip, and this shows the great concern the Companions had in rejecting innovated Bida’ in the Deen.
So now I ask you, Umar radiyAllahu anh whipped a group of people for merely gathering together to make Dua, and that is the only thing they did! So how about when a group of people gather in the name of "Mawlid", and not just do Dua alone, they also sing and some even dance!! From the 'babul awlaa' (i.e. the door of priority), those who gather to celebrate the Mawlid are MORE deserving of being whipped than those people who merely gathered for Dua during the time of the companions!
[1] Collected by Ibn Abi Shaybah (8/558) from Muwayeeyah bin Hisham who said Sufyaan narrated to us from Sa’eed al-Jareeree from Abi Uthmaan, & its chain is Hasan.
NOTE: Some stubborn opposers will come now and say, "what about such and such scholar who allowed Mawlid, are you saying he is to be whipped as well?! "
The answer is simple, this scholar, whoever he is, provided that he performed ijtihad genuinely seeking the truth and if he comes to an issue and makes a mistake he gets one reward. If he gets it right he gets two rewards. Those scholars in the past who for whatever reason, whether it be socio-political reasons or other than it, whom were not exposed to all of the narrations and the correct understanding, then they would without doubt submit once the truth had been clarified to them. This is the key difference between a stubborn practitioner of Mawlid and a scholar who strives sincerely in order to arrive at the truth. So no doubt, those scholars, had they been exposed to all of the evidences and the correct understanding then they would submit to the truth. So they do not deserve to be whipped, however their mistakes are to be clarified for the benefit of the ummah. As for those scholars of innovation, then no doubt they deserved to be refuted and punished.
And Allah knows best.

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