Saturday, January 3, 2015

Who began the celebration of 3rd Eid?

‎Who began the celebration of 3rd Eid?

Imam Ibne Kathir (May Allah be pleased with him) says: “Muzaffaruddin Abu Saeed Kokabri” used to decorate the festival/gathering of Eid Milad in the Rabbi ul Awwal and one Sheikh Ibne Dehiya gave a book prepared concerning to this Milad on which this king happily gave 1000 Dinar to Ibne Dehiya, the (people who) entered to the prepared/decorated festival/gathering of Muzaffaruddin describes the scene this way that there were numerous camels, cows and goats used to be slaughtered for entertainment with same there were halwa (dense sweet confection), gathering used to begin by Zuhr(noon) till Fajr(Dawn) and along with mystic, king also used to dance.”
(البداية والنهاية : 160/7)

It is proved that this innovation was invented by Muzaffaruddin Abu Saeed Kokabri in 7th century, this is also proved by the people who decorated and held the festival.
Mufti Naeem Ahmad Yar Khan Gujrati says:
“The king who invented this first was Shah Arbal.”
(جاء الحق : 237)

A well known scholar of these people Cleric Abdus Sami Rampuri says:
“The celebration of Milad Shareef began later, means in the last of 6th century.”
(انورا ساطعة مع براهين قاطعة : 163)

Molana Ghulam Rasool Saeed Hanafi Barelvi a Sheikh (master) of Hadith Jamaya Naemia says:
“Salaf Saliheen, means the companions and Tabiéen did not celebrated/started gathering/festival of milad.”
[Sahih Muslim,شرح صحيح مسلم : 179/3)

When Allama Fakahani was asked about this, he said:
“I don’t know any reality of this Milad in the book of Allah and the tradition of the Holy Prophet and the scholars of the Ummah who are going to hold the religious example and mutaqaddamin (to those who will come in future), none of them reports this practice, whereas it’s an innovation which is founded by idol worshipers, self desires full fillers and stomach worshipers (those who just wants to fill their stomach irrelevant from where they earn).”
(المورد في الكلام المولد بحواله حسن المقصد في عمل المولد : 223/1)

Salaf Saliheen (pious predecessors) did not celebrated this milad despite the fact that there is a stability in this act and no hindrance (for doing it), and if this practice is well or better/superior then Salaf Saliheen are more deserving persons in comparison to us, they are more strict in comparison to us in the love and honor to Holy Prophet and they were more solicitous, big deal in his(Prophet) love and honor is in the inside(secret) and outside(open) obedience, in submitting in front of the command of him(Prophet), keeping alive the Sunnah of him (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and the commands with which the he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) was sent, in spreading them and doing Jihad with heart, hands and tongue on these commands and this is the way of Ansar o Muhajireen who are the foremost leaders and was (the way) of those who obey it perfectly.”
(اقتضاء الصراط المستقيم لمخالفة أصحاب الجحيم : 615/2), [Eqtza as siratul Mustaqim, Le Mukhalefat as habel Jaheem: 615,2]

Hence! Eid Milad (Celebration of the Birth day of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) is an innovation in the Religion, which is invented and used for political gain by the king Muzaffaruddin Saeed Abukokabri of the 7th century hijrah, and the scholar who collected the data and content was Ibne Dehiyah. This practice an increment in the Religion which is renowned as Bid’ah (Innovation), and for Bid’ah, the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH has said:
“To proceed, the best speech is the Book of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad PBUH, the worst practice is the introduction of new practices in Islam and every Bid’ah is misguidance.”
(Sahih Muslim)

Abdullah Bin Umer (May Allah be pleased with him) said:
“All bidat (innovations in religion) are errors, whether they appear apparently good to the people.”
(Sunan Ad Darmi, سنن الدارمي)

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and mercy be upon him) said:
“If anyone introduces in our matter something which does not belong to it, will be reflected.”
(Sahih Al Bukhari, Muslim)

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and mercy be upon him) has said:
“Allah Ta’la does not accept the repentance of a Bidati (innovator) unless he leaves that bid’ah.”
(Sahih Al Targheeb w al tarheeb)

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Who began the celebration of 3rd Eid?
Imam Ibne Kathir (May Allah be pleased with him) says: “Muzaffaruddin Abu Saeed Kokabri” used to decorate the festival/gathering of Eid Milad in the Rabbi ul Awwal and one Sheikh Ibne Dehiya gave a book prepared concerning to this Milad on which this king happily gave 1000 Dinar to Ibne Dehiya, the (people who) entered to the prepared/decorated festival/gathering of Muzaffaruddin describes the scene this way that there were numerous camels, cows and goats used to be slaughtered for entertainment with same there were halwa (dense sweet confection), gathering used to begin by Zuhr(noon) till Fajr(Dawn) and along with mystic, king also used to dance.”
(البداية والنهاية : 160/7)
It is proved that this innovation was invented by Muzaffaruddin Abu Saeed Kokabri in 7th century, this is also proved by the people who decorated and held the festival.
Mufti Naeem Ahmad Yar Khan Gujrati says:
“The king who invented this first was Shah Arbal.”
(جاء الحق : 237)
A well known scholar of these people Cleric Abdus Sami Rampuri says:
“The celebration of Milad Shareef began later, means in the last of 6th century.”
(انورا ساطعة مع براهين قاطعة : 163)
Molana Ghulam Rasool Saeed Hanafi Barelvi a Sheikh (master) of Hadith Jamaya Naemia says:
“Salaf Saliheen, means the companions and Tabiéen did not celebrated/started gathering/festival of milad.”
[Sahih Muslim,شرح صحيح مسلم : 179/3)
When Allama Fakahani was asked about this, he said:
“I don’t know any reality of this Milad in the book of Allah and the tradition of the Holy Prophet and the scholars of the Ummah who are going to hold the religious example and mutaqaddamin (to those who will come in future), none of them reports this practice, whereas it’s an innovation which is founded by idol worshipers, self desires full fillers and stomach worshipers (those who just wants to fill their stomach irrelevant from where they earn).”
(المورد في الكلام المولد بحواله حسن المقصد في عمل المولد : 223/1)
Salaf Saliheen (pious predecessors) did not celebrated this milad despite the fact that there is a stability in this act and no hindrance (for doing it), and if this practice is well or better/superior then Salaf Saliheen are more deserving persons in comparison to us, they are more strict in comparison to us in the love and honor to Holy Prophet and they were more solicitous, big deal in his(Prophet) love and honor is in the inside(secret) and outside(open) obedience, in submitting in front of the command of him(Prophet), keeping alive the Sunnah of him (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and the commands with which the he (صلى الله عليه وسلم) was sent, in spreading them and doing Jihad with heart, hands and tongue on these commands and this is the way of Ansar o Muhajireen who are the foremost leaders and was (the way) of those who obey it perfectly.”
(اقتضاء الصراط المستقيم لمخالفة أصحاب الجحيم : 615/2), [Eqtza as siratul Mustaqim, Le Mukhalefat as habel Jaheem: 615,2]
Hence! Eid Milad (Celebration of the Birth day of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) is an innovation in the Religion, which is invented and used for political gain by the king Muzaffaruddin Saeed Abukokabri of the 7th century hijrah, and the scholar who collected the data and content was Ibne Dehiyah. This practice an increment in the Religion which is renowned as Bid’ah (Innovation), and for Bid’ah, the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH has said:
“To proceed, the best speech is the Book of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad PBUH, the worst practice is the introduction of new practices in Islam and every Bid’ah is misguidance.”
(Sahih Muslim)
Abdullah Bin Umer (May Allah be pleased with him) said:
“All bidat (innovations in religion) are errors, whether they appear apparently good to the people.”
(Sunan Ad Darmi, سنن الدارمي)
The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and mercy be upon him) said:
“If anyone introduces in our matter something which does not belong to it, will be reflected.”
(Sahih Al Bukhari, Muslim)
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and mercy be upon him) has said:
“Allah Ta’la does not accept the repentance of a Bidati (innovator) unless he leaves that bid’ah.”
(Sahih Al Targheeb w al tarheeb)

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