Some of my thoughts regarding the 'Hijab'.
As far as legislation is concerned I personally feel that the accustomed observance/non-observance of Hijab is the prerogative and the natural freedom of every Muslim female; and no law should enforce them either way. For any bureaucracies intimidated by the size of the cloth a female dons, and feels compelled to legislate, have a serious inner polarisation and dispersion, which needs to be analysed significantly.
Contrary to popular notions on the subject I deduce in theological discourse, that the snood and the yashmak are not actually Qur'anic actuations, but Biblical. The Bible argues that unveiling of the hair by a women is dishonouring and disgraceful. There are countless practises of present day Muslims that are not based on the Qur'an, but Christian-Judaic traditions. The Qur'anic 'Hijab', however, to the greatest extent is in the heart; if it is not worn there, then no scarf will make a difference to Allah.
Finally, to gear the theological aspect slightly on a pragmatic level, I would like to allude to the fact that I find the covering of the hair a trivial undertaking as the cloth simply adds an additional layer to the hair; no profound modesty is attained in reality. In-fact, in most cases it seems to do the opposite, as dazzling colours and patterns can now be supplemented as 'Hijab-wigs'. And the pictures I have attached here illustrates this point clearly.
This post is not a personal attack on any Hijab-clad sisters; it is simply a personal view point on the political, theological and logical discourse on the subject. However, I will still apologise in advance if any sisters feels hurt by this post. May Allah forgive all our faults and shortcomings.
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