Monday, February 23, 2015

The allies of the devil mentioned in the Qur'an :

'The allies of the devil mentioned in the Qur'an :

“And so, when you read the Qur'an, seek refuge in Allah from the accursed shaitaan. He has no power over those who believe and depend on their Lord.
His power is only over those who give their allegiance to him and who (succumb to his urgings and) associate (partners) with Allah.” 
(Qur'an 16:98-100)

“Those who believe fight in the path of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the path of taaghoot, so fight the allies of shaitaan, verily, the plot of Shaitaan is weak (when confronted with true faith).” (Qur'an 4:76)

“And when we said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam," they bowed down all except for Iblis. He was one of the jinn, and he rebelled against the order of his Lord. And so, do you then take him and his descendants as allies instead of me, though they are your avowed enemies? What an evil substitute for the
(Qur'an al-Kahf 18:50)

 “And whoever takes the devil as an ally instead of Allah, has brought about a very clear loss.” 
(Qur'an an-Nisaa 4:119)

“Those to whom the people said: "The people are gathering against you, so fear them," were only increased (by that) in faith, and they said: "Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best of guardians." So, they returned with bounty from Allah and His grace. No harm touched them. They sought only Allah's pleasure, and Allah's grace is great. That is only shaitaan, he gives his allies the ability to strike fear into your hearts, so do not fear them, and fear me if you truly are believers.” 
(Qur'an al-`Imran 3:173-175)

“We have made the devils allies of those who do not believe; those who commit outrages and then say: "We found our predecessors on this (tradition)" ... Surely, they have taken the devils as allies instead of Allah, and they think that they are on the guidance.”
 (Qur'an al-A`raf 7:27-28 & 30)

“And, verily, the devils pass suggestions to their allies, so that they might dispute with you.” 
(Qur'an al-An`aam 6:121)

Sadaq Allah....

The above Verses can be considered as Criterion to know, who are the allies of Devils.'

The allies of the devil mentioned in the Qur'an :
“And so, when you read the Qur'an, seek refuge in Allah from the accursed shaitaan. He has no power over those who believe and depend on their Lord.
His power is only over those who give their allegiance to him and who (succumb to his urgings and) associate (partners) with Allah.”
(Qur'an 16:98-100)
“Those who believe fight in the path of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the path of taaghoot, so fight the allies of shaitaan, verily, the plot of Shaitaan is weak (when confronted with true faith).” (Qur'an 4:76)
“And when we said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam," they bowed down all except for Iblis. He was one of the jinn, and he rebelled against the order of his Lord. And so, do you then take him and his descendants as allies instead of me, though they are your avowed enemies? What an evil substitute for the
(Qur'an al-Kahf 18:50)
“And whoever takes the devil as an ally instead of Allah, has brought about a very clear loss.”
(Qur'an an-Nisaa 4:119)
“Those to whom the people said: "The people are gathering against you, so fear them," were only increased (by that) in faith, and they said: "Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best of guardians." So, they returned with bounty from Allah and His grace. No harm touched them. They sought only Allah's pleasure, and Allah's grace is great. That is only shaitaan, he gives his allies the ability to strike fear into your hearts, so do not fear them, and fear me if you truly are believers.”
(Qur'an al-`Imran 3:173-175)
“We have made the devils allies of those who do not believe; those who commit outrages and then say: "We found our predecessors on this (tradition)" ... Surely, they have taken the devils as allies instead of Allah, and they think that they are on the guidance.”
(Qur'an al-A`raf 7:27-28 & 30)
“And, verily, the devils pass suggestions to their allies, so that they might dispute with you.”
(Qur'an al-An`aam 6:121)
Sadaq Allah....
The above Verses can be considered as Criterion to know, who are the allies of Devils.

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