Friday, February 6, 2015

What is Tawheed?


All major religions that believe in the existence of God ultimately, on a higher level, believe in one supreme God. All religious scriptures actually speak about monotheism i.e. belief in only one true God.
Islam believes in ‘Tawheed’ which is not merely monotheism i.e. belief in one unique God, but much more. Tawheed literally means “unification” i.e. “asserting oneness” and is derived from the Arabic verb “Wahhada” which means to unite, unify or consolidate. Tawheed can be divided into 3 categories. (i) Tawheed ar-Ruboobeeyah (ii) Tawheed al-Asmaa-was-sifaat (iii) Tawheed al-Ibaadah.

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