You cannot hide from Allah, although I’ve worked with many coaching clients who have tried. Let me explain…
Rationally, you understand that you can’t hide from Allah, and you believe that He knows and sees everything.
But on an emotional level, and even a spiritual level, many people attempt to say all the “right things” to Allah, and never open up their hearts to Him.
Afraid to address their fears, their wounds, their doubts, they make du’a year in and year out, but from an almost empty place.
You could sit at the feet of the best and most humble scholar on the earth and take very little from him because you are not able to authentically speak to Allah when you pray or call out to Him.
We need Allah, and we need to learn how vulnerable in front of Him by our own choosing.
There is no barrier, no wall, no costume you have between you and Him except for the one you construct.
Take it down. And speak.
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