Monday, March 2, 2015


Why do the Muslim married women not put bindi or tika on the forehead and wear Mangalsutra, like Hindu married women?
Bindi or tika
Bindi is derived from the sanskrit word bindu, which means a ‘dot’. It is usually a red dot made with vermilion powder and is worn by the Hindu women between their eyebrows on their forehead.
Bindi is considered a symbol of ‘Parvati’ and signifies female energy which is believed by Hindus to protect women and their husbands. It is traditionally a symbol of marriage and is worn by the Hindu married women. It is also called as tika.
Bindi has become a fashion
Nowadays, wearing bindi has become a fashion and is even worn by unmarried girls and women. The shape of the bindi is no longer restricted to a dot and is available in various shapes, including oval, star, heart shaped, etc. It is even available in different bright colours like blue, green, yellow, orange, etc. The material of the bindi is no longer restricted to vermilion powder, but is made of coloured felt and other material. It is also available in a variety of designs in combination with coloured glass, glitter, etc.
Mangalsutra means a thread of good-will. It is a necklace worn specially by Hindu married women as a symbol of their marriage. It consists of two strings of black beads with a pendant usually of gold. The black beads are believed to act as a protection against evil. It is believed to protect the women’s marriage and the life of her husband. In southern India, mangalsutra is called tali, which is a small gold ornament string on a cotton cord or a gold chain.
Hindu Married women are never supposed to remove their mangalsutra. It is only cut off when a Hindu lady becomes a widow.
Allah Is the Protector
Allah (swt), our Creator, is the best to protect human beings. We do not require any red dot or black thread to protect us from evil. It is mentioned in the Glorius Qur’an in Surah Anam Chapter 6 verse 14
"Say: Shall I take for my protector any other than Allah, the Maker of the heavens and the earth?"
[Al-Qur’an 6:14]
It is mentioned in several places in the Glorius Qur’an including
Surah Ali Imran Chapter 3 Verse 150 and Surah Alhajj Chapter 22 Verse 78
"Allah is your Protector, and He is the best of helpers."
Wearing a bindi or mangalsutra signifies a lack of faith in Almighty God, our Creator, who is the best to protect.
Against the Islamic Dress Code
Wearing a bindi or mangalsutra is a sign of Hindu women. The Islamic dress code does not permit a Muslim to wear any sign, symbol or mark which is specially significant of a non-Muslim.
In Islam, Both Married and Unmarried women should not be Teased
Once, a Hindu friend of mine, while mentioning the benefits of mangalsutra said that it easily identifies a married women, and thus prevents them from being teased and molested. According to Islam, each and every woman, whether married or unmarried, Muslim or Non-Muslim, should neither be teased nor molested.

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