Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ask yourself; do you really hold fast to the religion ?

."Nabi Mohammad p.b.u.h said : "The distinguishing factor between kufr [disbelief] and Imaan is the deliberate neglect of Salaat." (Muslim)"
Dear beloved muslim ,
Ask yourself; do you really hold fast to the religion ?
Our Prophet Mohammad s.a.w awoke at night and prayed for his Ummah until his ankles swelled.
In return, his Ummah now sleeps until their eyes swell.
The Prophet MohMohammad s.a.w said: “When any one of you goes to sleep, the shaitaan ties three knots at the back of his neck, sealing every knot with: “You have a long night, so sleep.” So if one awakes and mentions Allah, a knot will be loosened; if he performs ablution two knots are loosened; and if he performs Fajr than all the knots will be loosened, and in the morning he will be active and in good spirit; otherwise we will be in bad spirit and sluggish in the morning.”
[Reported by Muslim]
And it was reported that Abdullah ibn Mubarak said:
من ترك الصلاة متعمدا من غير علة حتى أدخل وقتا في وقت فهو كافر
"Who abandoned salat deliberately without (any) problem till time (of one salat) would enter to time (of other) is disbeliever 982 -
حدثنا إبراهيم الجوزجانى قال حدثنى إسماعيل بن سعيد قال سألت أحمد بن حنبل عن من ترك الصلاة متعمدا قال لا يكفر أحد بذنب إلا تارك الصلاة عمدا فإن ترك صلاة إلى أن يدخل وقت صلاة أخرى يستتاب ثلاثا
Imam Ahmad said:
No one is making disbelief by sin other that deliberately abandonment of salat. And if (someone) abandoned salat till time of other one enters, he should be asked to repent 3 times". The Prophet further says, "What is between a person and committing shirk (associating partners with Allaah) and kufr (disbelief) is abandoning the prayer." (Sahih Muslim, #82)
The man who doesn't say the salah accordingly, is to be shunned--no one should eat the meat he slaughters; he is not to marry a Muslimah; he is not to inherit a Muslim relative; he is not allowed to enter Mecca; upon dying he is not entitled to Muslim burial rites such as the washing of the body or the shrouding or the funeral prayer; and his inheritance is to go to the the community fund and not to his inheritors.

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