Friday, April 17, 2015

The Moon doesn't lose its beauty when it's covered by the clouds

The Moon doesn't lose its beauty when it's covered by the clouds;similarly the beauty of a woman doesn't fade away while wearing Hijaab.
The beauty of the pearl is inside the shell; the shell may not look that beautiful but it is what is inside that counts.
Surely, Shaitan (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy. He only invites his followers that they may become the dwellers of the blazing Fire" (Faatir 35:6)....
A women is so much more beautiful when she is modest.
She is respected, and her body is not flesh to be leered at. She
has style, good character and etiquette. She’s not seen for her shape but for her mind. Her true essence is shown, and she
acknowledges her value and importance as a woman.
Modesty is beauty.
We have seen so many arguments about the topic "if a woman wears hijab that doesn't make her better than a woman who does not wear hijab" then the rest of the conversations go along the lines of
..."I've seen women in hijab not practising other assets of Islam"...
..."Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) judges your intentions"...
..."not wearing hijab doesn't make me any less of a Muslim"..
..."how much we cover doesn't show how much Emaan we have"...
..."its for Allah to judge"...
..."I've seen a woman in hijab with tight clothes and a woman without hijab in loose clothes"...
This is the answer to all those arguments which sisters usually say when they are asked about Hijab.
If she is wearing tight or revealing clothing, then she is not wearing hijaab since hijaab does not translate into 'headscarf'. Hijaab is covering and this has conditions, such as loose clothing so that the shape of the body cannot be seen. So if someone is wearing tight jeans or a skirt whilst wearing a headscarf, she is not wearing hijab- she is just wearing a headscarf.
Allah does not only judge our intentions but he also judges our actions. So those who say He judges our intentions are trying to be misleading. Not only that, what is the intention of the one who does not wear hijaab? Isn't it her intention to purposefully disobey her Lord, in which case, how does she think He will judge her? The 'Allah judges our intentions' excuse can be used for anything. I could steal everything you own and say 'Allah judges my intention' but it doesn't make the theft OK.
And when they say not wearing hijaab doesn't make them any less of a Muslim, that is correct, but it makes them a faasiq (sinner) Muslim in the eyes of the Sharia and whoever is content with being an open sinner has their priorities messed up.

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