Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Quran,the Speech of ALLAH.

The Quran,the Speech of ALLAH.
Narrated Aisha: The Prophet said,
"Such a person as recites the Quran and masters it by heart, will be with the Noble righteous scribes ( in Heaven). And such a person exerts himself to learn the Quran by heart, and recites it with great difficulty, will have a double reward. "
[ Bukhari, Book #60, Hadith #459]
Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem
The Quran is the Speech (Kalaam) of ALLAH in both wording and meaning. It was sent down and is uncreated (ghayr makhlooq). From ALLAH ( Subhana Wa Ta'la) it originated and to Him shall it return. It is an inimitable miracle, indicative of the truthfulness of what the Prophet Muhammad (SalAllahu Alayhi WaSalam) was sent with. Its text and meanings are preserved from corruption until the Day of Judgement.
ALLAH( Subhana Wa Ta'la) Speaks whatever He wills, when He wills and how He wills. The Speech of ALLAH is real (haqeeqah), with letter (harf) and voice (sawt), but we do not know about the modality and how it is (kayfiyyah), nor do we debate about it or delve into it.
The view that the Speech of ALLAH( Subhana Wa Ta'la) is only the meaning of what ALLAH spoke to himself, or that the Quran is a narrative(hikaayah), or an expression ('ibaarah), or a metaphor ( majaaz) of ALLAH's Speech, or that is an effluent outpouring (faydh)- or other views similar to these- are all misguidance and deviation and could sometimes amount to disbelief (Kufr).
"And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?"
[Surah Al Qamar 54:17]
Whoever denies anything of the Quran,or claims that parts of it have been deleted,added or corrupted, is an unbeliever or has nullified his or her Shahaadah.
Explaining the Quran using esoteric interpretation (ta'weelaatul-baatiniyyyah) and its like is actually a form of Kufr as many of the deviated sects are doing to deviate more people. Let's study the Quran through the commentaries giving by the Prophet( SalAllahu Alayhi WaSalam) through his companions as we think because Islam is not as we think but as it was taught by ALLAH (Subhana Wa Ta'la) to His Messenger who taught his companions etc., till today.
May ALLAH keep guiding our eeman and protect us from any satanic influences.Ameen!

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