Saturday, July 11, 2015

8 misconceptions about Islam every non-Muslim should know

8 misconceptions about Islam every non-Muslim should know

Islam is the world’s largest religion. Its popularity is increasing day by day but the sad fact is that it is considered to be the most misunderstood religion. There are alot of misconceptions about Islam by the people who don’t actually know what it is all about. They have no idea about the History of Islam. As a Muslim, it is our responsibility to remove those false concepts about our religion and spread the right message by looking into the Islamic history and by reading and understanding Holy Quran.

The most common misconceptions about Islam are given along with the actual Islamic teachings.

8. All Muslims are Arabs

Non Muslims think all the Muslims in the world are Arab and relate the laws of Arab countries to the Islamic values. However the fact is that their are only 20% Arab Muslims in the world and 80% Muslims are non Arabs.

7. Muslims hate non-Muslims

This is another misconception about Muslims however Islamic teachings are totally against it. Islamic teachings tell us to love everyone and be kind to others. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (peace be upon him) said “The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.” And this hadees is not about having good manner with Muslims only.

6. Islam forces people to become Muslims

Although a Muslim should convey the Islamic teachings but he has no right to compel others to accept Islam. In Quran Allah says, ”Let there be no compulsion in religion”. The true essence of this religion is in accepting it sincerely without any fears.

5. Muslims have a different God called Allah

Non-Muslims think our God is different than theirs. Although we worship the same God worshiped by Jesus, Noah and Abraham. The main and only difference between a Muslim and non-Muslim is that, Muslims believe their is no God but Allah ﷻ. We reject the idea of God (Allah ﷻ) having any partners.

4. Muslims worship Muhammad ﷺ

This concept about Muslims is as untrue as all the other ones are. Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ is the last and the most beloved messenger of Allah ﷻ. Muslims love him and respect him to death but they don’t worship him.

3. Jihad

Non-Muslims have a concepts that jihad promotes war.However the word Jihad means ‘Struggle’. Basically it means striving towards God’s way. There are many different types of Jihad but the biggest is ‘Jihad bin Nafs’ i.e to fight against ones own self. So Jihad does not mean to kill everyone who is not acting upon Islamic teachings but to avoid the spread of bad deeds.

2. Islam oppresses Women

This is another misconception that non Muslims have about Muslims. No doubt there are some Islamic countries where women cannot drive or leave home but what non Muslims should know is that they are just the laws of those certain countries not the Islamic teachings. In Islam, women are equal to men. They have the rights such as choice of spouse, pursuit of education, and the right to divorce and inheritance.

1. Islamic Terrorism

This is the biggest misconception about Muslims. Now a days we hear non-Muslim societies saying ‘Muslims are Terrorist’ however it is not true at all. There are many verses in Quran which shows Islam is against terrorism. A verse says, “If anyone murders an innocent person, it will be as if he has murdered the whole of humanity”. This shows how positive Islamic teachings are.

Thanks for reading
JazakAllah :)

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