Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Saying of Ibn 'Uthaymeen (RA):

The SUNNI way - Ahlusunnahwaljamaah's photo.

With regards to the issue of imitation the disbelieving people Allah says in the Quran: ?Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allahs Reminder (this Quran), and that which has been revealed of truth, and not become as those who received the Scripture before (i.e. the Christians and the Jews) and the term was prolonged for them and so their hearts were hardened? And many of them were Faasiqoon.? [Al-Hadeed: 16]
Sheikhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said in commentery of this verse in Iqtidaa Siraatul-Mustaqeem (pg. 43): ?His statement ((and not become)) is a unrestricted prohibition from imitating them, and it is specific also in the prohibition imitating them in the hardness of their hearts, and the hardness of the hearts is from the results of sin.
Ibn Katheer said about this verse (4/310): and therefore Allah prohibited the believers from imitating them in anything from the fundamental or branch affairs.
In the sunnah from the hadeeth of Anas Ibn Maalik: Indeed the Jews if one their women would come on her menses they would not eat with her or cohabit with her in the homes, so the companions of the Prophet asked him and Allah revealed the verse: they ask you concerning menstruation. Say: that is a harmful thing, therefore keep away from women during menses. So the Messenger of Allah said: do everything with them except intercourse. So when this reached the Jews they said: This man does not want to leave anything from our affair except that he opposes us in it.[Collected by Muslim 1/169]
Ibn Taymiyyah said about this hadeeth in Iqtidaa Siraatul-Mustaqeem: This hadeeth shows the abundance of what Allah legislated for His Prophet in opposition of the Jews, rather that he opposed them in most of their affairs until they said: This man does not want to leave anything from our affair except that he opposes us in it.
And from the sunnah what has come on the authority of Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Aas who said: The Messenger of Allah saw me wearing two saffron garmenst and he said: indeed these are from the dress of the Kuffaar so do not wear them.[Collected by Muslim (1/144), An-Nisaaee (2/298), Al-Haakim (4/190), and Ahmad in his Musnad (2/172, 164, 193, 207, and 211)]
And from the hadeeth of Abee Umaamah who said: The Prophet came to some of the elders from the Ansaar whose beards had become white and said: O people of Ansaar! Dye your beards (with henna) and be opposite from the people of the Book.So we said: O Messenger of Allah! Indeed the people of the Book wear Sirwaal and do not wear Izaar! So the Messenger of Allah said: Wear Sirwaal and Izaar, and differ from the people of the Book. So we said: O Messenger of Allah! Indeed the people of the Book wear the Khuff and do not wear sandals!So he said: Then wear Khuff and sandals and differ from the people of the Book. So we said: O Messenger of Allah! Indeed the people of the Book cut their beards and leave their mustaches. He said: Trim your mustaches and leave your beards and differ from the People of the Book. [Collected by Ahmad in his Musnad (5/274) and graded Hasan by Muhaddith Al-Albaanee in Jilbaab Maratil-Muslimah (pg. 184)]
And from the hadeeth of Abdullah ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah said: I was sent before the coming of the Hour with the sword, and my provisions have come under the shadow of my spear, and lowness and abasement has come to those who oppose my affair, and whoever imitates a people then he is from them. [Collected by Ahmad in his Musnad (no. 5114, 5115, and 5667), and has been graded Hasan by Muhaddith Al-Albaanee in Jilbaab Maratil-Muslimah (pg. 203)
Al-Muhaddith Al-Albaanee also says in Jilbaab Maratil-Muslimah (pg. 161): From what is established in the legislation that it is not permissible for the Muslims, male or female, to imitate the disbelievers in their customs, celebrations, or dress that are specific to them. And this is a tremendous priciple in the Islaamic legislation that has been left off today, with great sorrow, by many of the Muslims, until even those from them who are concerned with deen and calling to it, in ignorance of their religion, following their desires, or being swept up by today's customs and habits of the disbelieving West, until it became from the reasons for the humiliation of the Muslims, their weakness, the subjugation of the foriegners over them, and their colonization: Indeed Allah will not change what is with a people until they change what is within themselves. [Ar-R'ad: 11] If only they knew.

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