Sunday, April 10, 2016

Just a reminder !

Stick to the Jama'aah, stick to the togetherness, but not any jama'aah, but the jama'aah as explained in the hadith those who follow "la ilaha ila Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah", the way that the Sahaabah understood and implemented it.
The Companions are the foundation of the Jamaa'ah.
All of the various firaq (sects) have been threatened with Hellfire, except those who adhere to the aqeedah and the manhaj of the Prophet ﷺ and his Companions, and that is al-Firqatun-Naajiyah (the Saved-Sect) and the Jamaa’ah.
If you are believing and acting on something else other than what the companions believed and acted upon then know that you are out of the Jamaa'ah.

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