Saturday, July 22, 2017

Benefits of Black Seed:

Benefits of Black Seed:
• Analgesic: Relieves or dampens sensation of pain.
• Anthelmintic: (Also know as vermicide or vermifuge) destroys and expels intestinal worms.
• Anti-bacterial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria.
• Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation.
• Anti-Microbial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive microorganisms.
• Antioxidant: Prevents or delays the damaging oxidisation of the body's cells - particularly useful against free radicals.
• Anti-Pyretic: (Also known as ferbrifuge) - exhibits a 'cooling action', useful in fever reduction.
• Anti-spasmodic: Prevents or eases muscle spasms and cramps.
• Anti-tumour: Counteracts or prevents the formation of malignant tumours.
• Carminative: Stimulates digestion and induces the expulsion of gas from the stomach and the intestines.
• Diaphoretic: Induces perspiration during fever to cool and stimulate the release of toxins.
• Diuretic: Stimulates urination to relieve bloating and rid the body of any excess water.
• Digestive: Stimulates bile and aids in the digestive process.
• Emmenagogue: Stimulates menstrual flow and activity.
• Galactogogue: Stimulates the action of milk in new mothers.
• Hypotensive: Reduces excess blood pressure.
• Immunomodulator: Suppresses or strengthens immune system activity as needed for optimum balance.
• Laxative: Causes looseness or relaxation of the bowels.

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