Thursday, October 12, 2017

So my dear brothers and sisters ,

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Allah states that if the disbelievers and polytheists are called to follow what Allah has revealed to His Messenger and abandon the practices of misguidance and ignorance that they indulge in, they will say, "Rather. We shall follow what we found our fathers following,'' meaning, worshipping the idols and the false deities. 
Indeed we find many people who follow the way of their forefathers even though it clearly contradicts the Quran and the Sunnah . So instead of worshipping Allah and submitting his will to the Almighty Allah , he submits his will to his forefathers . This was the way of some of the Jews at the time of Prophet (sallalahu alayhi wa salam) and hence this aayah was revealed.

So my dear brothers and sisters , the need of the hour is to make this deen pure and return it back to its purest form . We have to shun the practices of our forefathers which go against the Shariah. And all this cannot be achieved unless we gain knowledge from correct sources . Understand the Quran and Sunnah the way the Sahabas understood it . For they were the best of the ummah and their teacher was the Best of the Creation and Most Knowledgeable as well.
Allah's aid is sought!!

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