Friday, December 1, 2017

Eid Milad Un Nabi was not established amongst the Ummah after four centuries (400 years)

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Eid Milad Un Nabi was not established amongst the Ummah after the time of the prophet until six centuries (600 years) had surpassed.
There was no evidence from the Companions, Tabi’een, Mujtahideen, Muhaditheen or Awliya of this Ummah to ever have even thought of performing this act of celebrating the birth of the Prophet .Yet, all of these great personalities had even greater knowledge of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith, which the Ahle Bid’ah ‘use’ to support their innovated practice.
This act was first performed by a ruling king after the shia fatimads, Muzafarudeen Ibn Arbal (died 630H) and his friend who was a worldly orientated scholar by the name of Ibn Wahiya Abul Khattab (died 633H), in the Muslim area of Mosul, Iraq in 604 Hijri.
(Dowlul Islam, p104)
Imam Ahmed bin Muhammad Misri Maliki رحمه الله writes: ‘That king (Muzafarudeen Ibn Arbal) used to tell the scholars in his time that whatever Ijtihad he would dictate should be adopted and nothing else was to be followed. He managed to select a group from the scholars who were inclined to Duniya to support his view. In this way he started celebrating ‘Milad Un Nabi’ and he is the 1st person amongst the Muslims kings to create this innovation.’ (Al Qawlul Mu’tamit)
To propagate and spread this Bid’ah further, the king would utilise hundreds of thousands of Dinars from the Muslim treasury. Allamah Dhahabi رحمه الله (died 748H) stated: ‘Every year he (this king) would spend 300,000 Dinar on this event. To try to establish proof for this celebration, he commissioned a book written by Ibn Wahiya and for this effort he paid Ibn Wahiya 1000 Dinar in modern day terms. (Dowlul Islam, p103-4)
Hafiz Ibn Hajar Asqalani رحمه الله stated in respect of Ibn Wahiya: ‘He would greatly disrespect and dishonour the pious predecessors and scholars of the past. He was foul tongued (bad language, filthy talk, etc) extremely proud and foolish individual. He was lazy, narrow minded and unmindful in respect of religious works.’ (Lisaanul Meezan, vol 4, p296)

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