Thursday, May 17, 2018

"Salātut Tarāweeh"

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When He, Imām al-Albāni Rahimahullāh was refuted on his Major Treatise "Salātut Tarāweeh", he Rahimahullāh mentioned in the introduction to the First Edition of his summarized work of Salātut Tarāweeh "Qiyāmu Ramadān" from Page 5.
He said as Following:
And on top of this, their fury and rage became kindled and unleashed when we produced our treatise “Salaat-ut-Taraaweeh”, which is the second of several treatises found in our book “Tasdeed-ul-Isaabah ilaa man za'ama Nusrat-al-Khulafaa ir-Raashideen was-Sahaabah.” This was due to what they saw in it from the assertion that:
1. The Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi waSallam did not perform the Taraaweeh Prayer with more than eleven rak'aat.
2. 'Umar Radhiyallahu 'anhu ordered Ubay (bin Ka'ab) and Tameem ad-Daaree to lead the people in Taraaweeh Prayer performing eleven rak'aat according to the authentic Sunnah.
3. The report: “The people would perform the Night Prayer during the time of 'Umar in Ramadaan making twenty rak'aat” is a shaadh and da'eef report, which contradicts the report of reliable narrators, who state that it was eleven rak'aat and that 'Umar commanded this.
4. Even if this shaadh report was authentic, it is more deserving to accept and act upon the authentic report due to it being in accordance with the Sunnah in number. Also, there is no mention in it that 'Umar ordered that twenty rak'aat be performed, but rather it is only the people who did that. This is contrary to the authentic report, which states in it that 'Umar ordered eleven rak'aat.
5. Also, if it were authentic this does not mean that one is obligated to act upon it whilst abandoning acting upon the authentic report, which is in agreement with the Sunnah, such that the one who acts upon the Sunnah is considered as leaving the Jama'aah! On the contrary, the most we can derive and extract from this hadeeth is that it is permissible to pray twenty rak'aat (for Taraaweeh) yet it is definitive that what the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi waSallam did and practiced regularly (of 11 rak'aat) is better.
6.We also explained in it that performing twenty rak'aat is not authentically established upon any of the noble Companions Radhiyallahu 'Anhum.
7. And we clarified the falseness of the claim of those who allege that the Companions unanimously agreed on (performing) twenty rak'aat.
8. We also clarified the proof, which necessitates that one act upon the number that is authentically reported in the Sunnah (i.e. eleven rak'aat), and those scholars who rejected increasing upon this number. This goes as well for the other points of benefit we mentioned that can rarely be found gathered in one book.
All of these points were supported by clear proofs from the authentic Sunnah and the established narrations. This caused the ruthless ones amongst a group of elder blind followers to lash out at us – some of them in their sermons and lessons and others in treatises, which they wrote to refute our afore-mentioned treatise. However, all of these treatises were void of beneficial knowledge and of proofs to support their view.
Instead they were filled with abuses and insults, as is the custom of the people of falsehood when they direct their words to the truth and its people. So due to this, we don't see any benefit in that we should waste our time replying to them and exposing the errors of their words, since life is too short to be spending time doing that considering their numerous amounts, may Allaah guide them all.
📖 Read the complete here in the Book (Translation of Qiyaamu Ramadan in the Introduction to the First Edition) - 
📖 The Arabic of the Book -
📖 The Treatise Salatut Taraweeh in Arabic -

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