Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tawheed ul-Uluhiyyah/Ibaadah

Tawheed ul-Uluhiyyah/Ibaadah
So Tawheed of Lordship points to Tawheed of Worship. Now the verses which point to Tawheed of Worship are many, and indeed this was the message that all messengers and prophets were primarily sent for, as the Quran mentions:
Not a messenger did We send before thee without this inspiration sent by Us to him: that there is no god but I; therefore worship and serve Me. (Quran 21:25)
So every messenger was sent with Tawheed of Worship, to worship and serve Allah alone, this is the message of all prophets:
We sent Noah to his people. He said: "O my people! worship Allah! ye have no other god but Him. I fear for you the punishment of a dreadful day! (Quran 7:59)

But said Christ: "O Children of Israel! worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Whoever joins other gods with Allah,- Allah will forbid him the garden, and the Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help. (Quran 5:72)

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