Monday, May 5, 2014

Women of Jannah

Photo: The superiority of women in the world in Jannah (Paradise)

Umm Salamah (radiAllahu anha) said, 'O Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu alayhi wassallam), inform me: are the women of the  world better or Al-Hoor Al-'Een (fair and beautiful maidens of Paradise, who have wide, beautiful eyes)?' He (sallAllahu alayhi wassallam) said, 'Rather, the women of the world are better than the Al-Hoor Al-'Een, like the superiority of the outside of a garment to the lining (inside) of a garment.'  I said, 'O Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu alayhi wassallam), with what (are women of the world superior)?' He (sallAllahu alayhi wassallam) said, 'With their prayer, their fasting, and their worship of Allah (subhanAllah wa ta'ala). Allah (subhanAllah wa ta'ala) will clothe their faces with light, and their bodies with silk. White in color, with green garments, and yellow adornments. . . And their combs are gold. They will say: We will live forever and never die, we are comfortable (or soft) and will never become wretched; we are settled and will never travel away.
[Related by At-Tabarani]


The superiority of women in the world in Jannah (Paradise)

Umm Salamah (radiAllahu anha) said, 'O Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu alayhi wassallam), inform me: are the women of the world better or Al-Hoor Al-'Een (fair and beautiful maidens of Paradise, who have wide, beautiful eyes)?' He (sallAllahu alayhi wassallam) said, 'Rather, the women of the world are better than the Al-Hoor Al-'Een, like the superiority of the outside of a garment to the lining (inside) of a garment.' I said, 'O Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu alayhi wassallam), with what (are women of the world superior)?' He (sallAllahu alayhi wassallam) said, 'With their prayer, their fasting, and their worship of Allah (subhanAllah wa ta'ala). Allah (subhanAllah wa ta'ala) will clothe their faces with light, and their bodies with silk. White in color, with green garments, and yellow adornments. . . And their combs are gold. They will say: We will live forever and never die, we are comfortable (or soft) and will never become wretched; we are settled and will never travel away.
[Related by At-Tabarani]

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