Saturday, June 21, 2014

Let's prepare for Ramadan !

Let's prepare for Ramadan !
When a big occasion about to come,we tend to make a before -hand preparations of it.Similarly, Ramadan holds a special place in a Muslim's life.Many of us have been counting the days remaining up to the holy month of Ramadan. Five days, four, three, two and the next thing you know here it is. For a believer the name of this month “Ramadan” gives the thought of joy, rewards and a feeling of Allah’s mercy. Truly, this is a season that should be awaited for. Anticipations and emotions for this month are not sufficient. This holy month requires action and activity. It is about altering our timetables and schedules, it demands us to train ourselves to attain Taqwa (fear of Allah or devotion to Him) which in turn, is the element to carry us successfully through the ongoing journey towards the hereafter (akhirah).
But let us ask ourselves have we really prepared for this month?
Are we ready to dedicate more time for our spiritual revival ?
During the month of Ramadan the holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would stay awake in the nights worshipping Allah, awaken his household and increase in worship. (Bukhari, Muslim). Even though we may have experienced many a Ramadans but every Ramadan must be treated as a once in a lifetime opportunity since we have no idea whether we will live till the next Ramadan.
The various types of ibaadah which we do in this month be it our five times prayers,fasting,charity(sadaqah/zakat),tasbihat,adhkar ,itika'f etc are all done with true sincerity heads towards another level leaving us with a satisfied heart/soul and a peaceful mind.Subhan Allah !
In a hadith about the superiority of Ramadan,narrated by Abu Bakr(radhi Allahu anhu): The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "The two months of `Id i.e. Ramadan and Dhul-Hijja, do not decrease (in superiority). Sahih al-Bukhari 1912.
All that is required on our part is to create in our hearts the desire, ambition, devotion, zeal, eagerness and that we exert increased efforts to acquire the pleasure of Almighty Allah.
While one should engage to the maximum in good deeds, the purpose of Ramadan must be kept foremost in mind, which is to acquire Taqwa. Thus together with the maximum amount of righteous actions one must totally refrain from all sins. We should ensure that no act of disobedience is committed. This abstinence in itself is a worship. One month of strictly conducting oneself in this manner will In sha-Allah have the effect of enabling one to live the next eleven months in a similar manner in the complete obedience of Allah.
Thus, can we afford to waste this time? Can we afford to spend valuable time glued to the airwaves listening to the opinions and views of one and all, whereas that time could have been used to at least recite the Holy Quran or send Durood upon our beloved Prophet (p.b.u.h.)?
Let us really make this Ramadan a profitable one that brings change in our life. May Almighty Allah make this Ramadan a turning point in the life of the long-suffering Ummah. Aameen.

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