Friday, July 18, 2014


When the dead body is being taken to the grave, if it was a righteous person, he would say, go as fast as you can. (This person is in a hurry because he wants the reward from Allah).
If it is not a righteous person (this includes both muslims and non-muslims) - this person’s soul will scream, woe to you, where are you taking me? And Rasool Allah (Salla Allahu ‘aleihi sallam) said that everyone would hear that sound, except the human beings and if the human beings heard it, they would die out of shock! [Sahih Al Bukhari, Riyadus Saliheen, Ch 158, hadith #942]
This person is not even being punished, he is screaming out of fear. What will he do when he is actually punished?
Rasool Allah (Salla Allahu ‘aleihi sallam) said: If it wasn’t for the fact that none of you would bury the dead, I would have asked Allah to allow to hear the sounds of then people in the grave. [Imam Anwar]
Meaning: the sounds made by the people who are punished in their grave are so frightening, that had we heard it, none of us would bury our dead out of fear.
May Allah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala) grant us a peaceful passage through to the Hereafter, and a comfortable stay in the grave. Ameen

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