In the Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. I seek protection from Allah against the accursed devil.
•►What are you 'feeding' your mind?
Fill your mind with Islam, following the sunnah and your adkhar, dhikr etc. Reading on Islam and listening to positive talks to uplift you will aid you in gaining a better mindset. A person needs to counter this with positivity, with eemaan [faith] and thoughts of Allah most importantly. You have to take in these positive aspects and know your deen and know Allah to counter the evil force within your body.
Fill your mind with Islam, following the sunnah and your adkhar, dhikr etc. Reading on Islam and listening to positive talks to uplift you will aid you in gaining a better mindset. A person needs to counter this with positivity, with eemaan [faith] and thoughts of Allah most importantly. You have to take in these positive aspects and know your deen and know Allah to counter the evil force within your body.
►Do not let's your thoughts control you or to make you feel depressed.
⇨The shaytaan is the one who possess you by your thoughts causing strange thoughts, negativity, evil, sexual ideas and so on.
Do not follow the footsteps of Satan. (Al Baqarah : 208);
Verily the shaitaan is an enemy to you all, so take him as an enemy.
⇨The shaytaan is the one who possess you by your thoughts causing strange thoughts, negativity, evil, sexual ideas and so on.
Do not follow the footsteps of Satan. (Al Baqarah : 208);
Verily the shaitaan is an enemy to you all, so take him as an enemy.
►Prevent/ remove negative thoughts by trusting Allah; Allah says:
And whosoever puts his trust in Allaah, then He will suffice him [al-Talaaq 65:3] and He [Satan] has no authority over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord. (Qur’an 16: 99)
And whosoever puts his trust in Allaah, then He will suffice him [al-Talaaq 65:3] and He [Satan] has no authority over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord. (Qur’an 16: 99)
-►Quick 10 tips on how to control waswasa:-
⇨1. Do what Allah told us to and that is to seek Refuge in Him and we will then be able to see clearly.
Say: A`udhu-Billahi minna-Shaytan-ir-Rajim“
(I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan)
⇨1. Do what Allah told us to and that is to seek Refuge in Him and we will then be able to see clearly.
Say: A`udhu-Billahi minna-Shaytan-ir-Rajim“
(I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan)
⇨2. Reciting Surah An-Nas frequently.
⇨3. ''Ignore these ideas and don’t give them any weight and they will go away by themselves, in sha’ Allah....
⇨4. Keeping oneself busy. Idle minds are breeding ground for shaytaan to come and attack you with idle actions, evil/ random thoughts, wasting time, forgetting about Allah, committing a sin, (so you're innocently sitting in your room and all of a sudden an 'idea' comes to you (or rather he points out to you) the TV or the laptop and how easy it would be to go onto that site you're not meant to..)
⇨5. Knowing your enemy and utilizing this knowledge to your advantage.
⇨6. Know what Islam has to say about the action you are tempted to commit and following the guidance that was revealed to support and guide us. If you find out something is haraam [forbidden], stop it there and then, don't spend time indulging in what satan's about to tell you to convince you to commit it, because believe me, he will, I'm here instead as your friend telling you now that it's not okay.
⇨7. Using practical steps to avoid checking and re-checking actions, whether you do it manually or practically, like noting and marking that you have done an action will help take your mind off the action and stop the waswasa.
⇨8. Refusing to engage in conversation and pursuing the thoughts. Do not begin thinking and/ or believing any of the waswasa is something worthy and or worthwhile in pursuit as if shaytaan would ever give you knowledge or point you in a direction that would be good for you.
⇨9. Dhikr. Whilst the waswasa is food for negative thought, we can (as with everything Islam gives us the solution to all evil Alhamdullilah. counter-act this negativity from our own beautiful source of positivity, Remembrance of Allah.
⇨10. Don't waste time sitting thinking about whether you are bad because satan just told you this, shun the thought, and engage in dhikr of Allah, let His names and the beauty of His names wash over you and make you feel happy instead. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah. (39:53)
O Allah! Controller of the hearts, direct our hearts to Your obedience.[Related by Muslim]
O Allah, we ask YOU for Guidance, Righteousness, Abstinence, and Self Sufficiency.
O Allah, We seek refuge in Allah from all the evil of ourselves and the wickedness of our deeds. Ameen.
O Allah, we ask YOU for Guidance, Righteousness, Abstinence, and Self Sufficiency.
O Allah, We seek refuge in Allah from all the evil of ourselves and the wickedness of our deeds. Ameen.
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