Friday, November 7, 2014

Forbidding Evil is from Iman

Command Good and Forbid Evil.....
(amr bi alma 'ruf wa nahi 'an alnunkar) is one of the most important Islamic principles, stressed again and again in the Qur'an and Hadith. Indeed, from one point of view this principle can be seen as the most important Islamic principle; for, if this principle is duly practiced in the Ummah, then, as a result, all other teachings of Islam will also be practiced, while if this one principle is ignored then the rest of Islam will also gradually come to be ignored.

"God does command you justness, goodness and liberality to the near ones and He does forbid you shameful deeds, impropriety and rebelliousness." (16:91)

God, of course, carries out the function of commanding the right and forbidding the wrong through His Messenger. So the mission of the Prophet is described in one verse as follows:

"He commands them what is right and forbids them what is wrong, he makes lawful the things that are wholesome and makes unlawful the things that are bad and lifts from them their burdens and the yokes that were upon them." (7:157)

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