Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sinning Unknowingly

Sinning Unknowingly 
How can we unknowingly committing sins?
Do you know that your bad deeds may increase even when you are not committing any sins, and you may have bad deeds like mountains even while you are sleeping! How?
Sometimes, you may share videos, songs and pictures on face-book with your friends …
These posts may contain Things that are forbidden by Allah :
The videos you thought to be "mad" or "cool"contain indecent images (girls wearing inappropriate cloths for example),
the “romantic” famous songs you shared innocently with your friends may cause them Fitnah, these songs may even contain indecent lyrics that a Muslim should not share.
Imagine now that you shared this video/songs/picture with 5 of your friends who find it “cool” and each one of them decides to share it with 5 of their friends and so on ….
In just 10 steps, that post you shared will be watched by 12 MILLIONS people on fb!
In just a few minutes, you will gain uncountable bad deeds just because you shared a short "mad"video with 5 of your friends!
Prophet Mohammed (SallaAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said
“whoever guided people to misguidance will bear the burden of sin for that, and the burden of those who do it after him, without that detracting from their burden in the slightest.´ (Muslim)
Now, what if you shared with them posts that would bring you good deeds instead of bad ones, you will have Sadaqah (continuous charity) In Shaa ALLAH.

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