Monday, December 1, 2014

AL-MUQEETU ……………..THE SUSTAINER, The Nourisher, The Preserver, The Maintainer, The Guardian

BISMILLAHIR-RAHMA-NIR-RAHEEM((In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful)
ASSALAM ALAIKUM WARAHMATULLAHI WABARKATAH,......Wish you all peaceful blessed day Always..May Allah keeps u all in His protection…….
"The most beautiful names belong to Allah: so call on him by them
Allah's Apostle (PBUH) said, "Allah has ninety-nine names, and whoever enumerates on them will go to Paradise."(Bukhari)
One of the beautiful attribute of ALLAH ( Tabarak Wa Ta’ala) IS
AL-MUQEETU ……………..THE SUSTAINER, The Nourisher, The Preserver, The Maintainer, The Guardian
Allah is the One Who supports and provides us with our physical, intellectual and spiritual abilities. He is the Nourish er of all creation. Allah creates the nourishment of each of His creatures before He creates them. No one can take away the nourishment destined for each element of the creation
The One who has the ability to nourish all of creation. The One who maintains all that exists.
The One who oversees all things. The One who guards and preserves.
The One who is the sustainer of all, the seen and the unseen, the outer and the inner.
Al-Muqeet Mentioned in Quran
For He it is who, after creating the earth,placed firm mountains on it, towering above its surface, and bestowed so many blessings on it,and equitably apportioned its means of subsistence to all who would seek it: and all this He created in four aeons.Fussilat 41:10
"Whoever joins himself (to another) in a good cause shall have a share thereof, and whoever joins himself (to another) in an evil cause shall be responsible for it, and Allah controls all things" (Quran, 4:85).
Al-Muqeet Alone is Capable and Knowledgeable of everything. One of the good manners inspired by this Attribute is that when food is brought to you, you must recognize al-Muqeet whose sustenance is quite spacious and encompassing, through Whose Grace are you provided with food. Such recognition will cause the light of this Attribute to lift you spiritually.
God will then make you the treasure-house for His servants, enabling you to sustain others, teach them knowledge, and lead them to the ever-Living, the Sustainer.
Do not seek the achievement of all your wishes and desires except from Allah, for He surely holds the keys to the treasures of His sustenance. According to one qudsi tradition, Allah said to Moses, "O Moses! Ask Me with regard to everything, including your shoe strings and the salt for your pot."
Ya Allah we beg from your majesty with Your beautiful names to Forgive us ,
Ya Allah Fulfill our all legal Needs,
Ya Allah Please Help us in all our affairs,
Ya Allah grant us good Health and save us from all physical nd spiritual illness.
May Allah forgive us and grant us Health ,peace and happiness
Ya ALLAH We seek protection against the mischief of our souls

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