Thursday, December 18, 2014


The perfect Muslim, in the first instance, is one who has a perfect relationship with his Creator, Allah. Following which, he develops good relationship with his fellow men, both Muslims and non-Muslims, conducting himself in an exemplary manner as an example for all to follow.
We can improve our relationship with Allah by doing more voluntary good deeds. These voluntary good deeds may take the form of extra prayers, fasts, charity (sadaqa). This can also include reading and understanding the Quran, memorizing more of it – even competing with family or friends, and generally helping others, whenever we can.
We can even avoid raising our voices, avoid arguing - and of course swearing… We can do more for our parents, share more with our brothers and sisters – whether blood relatives or not…
The people who become closer to Allah are those who love to be closer to Him. They make an effort to come closer to Allah. Allah then grants them the honor of His closeness.
Ways to come closer to Allah
1. Way of Devotion and Worship:
This is a way to come to closer to Allah. People close to Allah are those who are most devoted to Allah. They love Allah more than any one and anything. Worship is a very important way of coming closer to Allah. Allah says:
Nay, heed him not: but bow down in adoration, and bring thyself the closer (to Allah)! (Surah Al Alaq 96 - Verse 19)
2. Way of Piety and Righteousness:
Taqwa (piety) and righteous deeds also bring us close to Allah. People close to Allah are those who are foremost in doing good things. They want to go ahead of every one in their faith, deeds of charity and goodness.
3. Way of Charity and Kindness:
This is another way that can bring us very close to Allah. The Prophet (PBUH) mentioned that Allah identifies with the poor and those who help the poor and needy they find Allah and they come closer to him.
4. Keeping the Tongue Wet with Dhikr:….
Dhikr (or Zikr, "Remembrance [of God]"Is The Most Virtuous Act and it is the most effective another way of acquiring Allah’s love.
May Allah Include us among His beloved people....

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