Monday, December 29, 2014

Who is Muhammad (pbuh) ?

Who is Muhammad?

Muhammad (peace be upon him) was chosen by God to deliver His Message of Peace, namely Islam. He was born in 570 C.E. (Common Era) in Makkah (Mecca), Arabia. He was entrusted with the Message of Islam at the age of forty. The revelation that he received is called the Qur'an, while the message is called Islam.

Muhammad (pbuh) is the very last Prophet of God to mankind. He is the final Messenger of God. He was sent to inform mankind of the true mission of Isa (Jesus), Musa (Moses), Daud (David), Yaaqub (Jacob), Ishak (Isaac) and Ibrahim (Abraham).

Muhammad (pbuh) is considered to be the seal (last) of all the prophets and messengers that came before him. He was entrusted with the power of explaining, interpreting and living the teachings of the Qur'an, the final message from God for all humanity

Who is Muhammad?
Muhammad (peace be upon him) was chosen by God to deliver His Message of Peace, namely Islam. He was born in 570 C.E. (Common Era) in Makkah (Mecca), Arabia. He was entrusted with the Message of Islam at the age of forty. The revelation that he received is called the Qur'an, while the message is called Islam.
Muhammad (pbuh) is the very last Prophet of God to mankind. He is the final Messenger of God. He was sent to inform mankind of the true mission of Isa (Jesus), Musa (Moses), Daud (David), Yaaqub (Jacob), Ishak (Isaac) and Ibrahim (Abraham).
Muhammad (pbuh) is considered to be the seal (last) of all the prophets and messengers that came before him. He was entrusted with the power of explaining, interpreting and living the teachings of the Qur'an, the final message from God for all humanity

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