Friday, January 30, 2015

Death :

Assalamu Alaikum 2 all my dr beloved sis and bro,.. DEATH:Death is a natural event for all living things.Everyone of us will experience it one day.Allah says in the Quran:"Everyone shall taste death."(3:185),"Whatsoever is on it(the earth)will perish."(55:26),"Verily,you(O Muhammad(saw))will die,and verily,they(too)will die."(39:30),"And We granted not to any human being immortality before you(O Muhammad(saw)),then if you die,would they live forever?."(21:34),.. So,Death is not a deceiving thing,Indeed it is the truth..We all will die one day..But most of the people forgets this,.A Muslim man should always remembers his death and be ready for it..Meanwhile he should always be prepared with good deeds..Because no man is going to carry his wealth or offsprings except his deeds...No man can know his appointed term except the Creator,Allah..Allah says in the Quran:"And every nation has its appointed term;when their term comes,neither can they delay nor can they advance it an hour(or a moment)."..If death comes to a true believer(mu'min)a beautiful fragranted Malakul-mawt(angel)will come to take his soul..To him some more angels also will come with bringing glad-tidings of paradise..Allah says:"Verily,those who say:"Our Lord is Allah(Alone),"And then they stand firm,on them the angels will descend(at the time of their death)(saying):"Fear not,nor grieve!But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised!"...But if death comes to a disbeliever(kafir) a ugly musty angel will come to him to take his soul..To him some more angels also will come to warn him about his punishment..Allah says:"And who can be more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah,or says:"A revelation has come to me"whereas no revelation has come to him in anything;and who says,"I will reveal the like of what Allah has revealed."And if you could but see when the zalimun(wrong doers)are in the agonies of death,while the angels are stretching forth their hands(saying):"Deliver your souls!This day you shall be recompensed with the torment of degradation because of what you used to utter against Allah other than the truth.And you used to reject His Ayat(verses)with disrespect!"... Therefore,every one will come to know the truth when their death reaches..Allah says:"Until,when death comes to one of them,he says:"My Lord!Send me back,"So that I may do good in that which I have left behind!"NO!It is but a word that he speaks;and behind them is Barzakh(a barrier)until the Day when they will resurrected."(23:99,100).. So if death comes the wrong-doers& the disbelievers will be wishing of sending to the world again...Allah says:"And whosoever Allah sends astray,for him there is no Wali(protector,helper,guardian)after Him.And you will see the Zalimun(polytheists,wrong-doers,oppressors),when they behold the torment,they will say:"Is there any way of return(to the world)?"....The prophet(saw)said:The one who utter "LA ILAHA ILLALLAH(There is no God except Allah)as his last word will enter paradise."(Abu-Dawud)..and also the prophet(saw)said:"Help Muslims who are dying to say:'La ilaha illa Allah"(MUSLIM)...Ibn Umar(RA)said:The Messenger(saw),took me by the shoulder and said:"Be in this world as though you were a stranger(or)a traveler (or) a wayfarer."Ibn Umar used to say:"when evening comes,do not expect(to live till)morning,and morning comes,do not expect(to live till)evening.Take from your health(a preparation)for your illness,and from your life for your death."(Al-Bukhari)...... "Ya allah forgive our living and our dead,those of us who are present and those of us who are absent,our young ones and our elder ones,our males and our females.'ya allah!whoever from among us that you keep living,keep him living in Islam and whoever among us that you cause to die,take his life in a state of Emaan.'Ya Allah! Do not deprive us of his reward and do not misguide us after him..."(ABU-DAWUD).,....Ameen ameen yarabbal alameen.........

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