Friday, January 30, 2015

Treating our parents well is a religious duty and one of the tenets and principles of Islam

Treating our parents well is a religious duty and one of the tenets and principles of Islam. Allah, the Exalted, reinforces the duty to be kind to parents in the Holy Qur'an as this injunction always appears soon after the worship of Allah:"Worship Allah and join none with him (in worship) and do good to parents."(4:36).

Good treatment of parents is also the way of the Prophets. Allah, the Glorious and the Almighty, praised Prophet Yahya (John), peace be upon him, saying:"and dutiful towards his parents, and he was never arrogant nor disobedient (to Allah or to his parents)."(19:14). Allah, the Exalted, describes Issa (Jesus), peace be upon him, saying:" He has made me kind to my mother, and made me not arrogant, miserable."(19:32). 

O believers, The Qur'anic commandments as well the sayings of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, guide us in the obligations towards our parents. Indeed, there is an Islamic parent-child code of behavior that will never change since rules were laid down by divine command. Furthermore, grateful to parents is one of the most important acts of obedience to Allah, an act that will earn you the love of Allah and His grace in this world and the afterlife. Fulfilling parents' rights brings prosperity and longevity as the Messenger of Allah said:"He who desires that his life-span and wealth increase, should treat his parents well and with compassion and be good to his kinship."

O servants of Allah, If you treat your parents with heart and soul, you will be rewarded with your children' good treatment. The Messenger of Allah said:"Treat your parents well and your children will treat you well." Not only will you earn Allah's love, it will be your gateway to heaven as well. O servants of Allah, Our parents deserve our utmost kindness and respect. In Islam, the obligations and responsibilities towards them have been addressed in great detail as it encompass all aspects of life. It is incumbent upon us to provide for them and fulfill their financial needs. We must talk to them nicely and with leniency. We have to be humble towards them, obey them, never shout at them. Islam teaches us not to let our parents feel down or angry even by uttering a single word such as "Ugh". Next to Allah, man owes the greatest obligations towards his parents. We must show them kindness, respect and humility. Allah says in His Divine Revelation:" Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor, And our of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say "my Lord! Bestow on them your Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood."(17:23-24). 

O Muslims, If you feel that you did not repay your immense indebtedness to your parents, please do so without delay. Express your thanks and appreciation to them for what they have endured to bring you up and the sacrifices they made for your wellbeing. Allah, Exalted is He, says:"Show gratitude to Me and to your parents."(31:14). Even if you are a good child, do treat your parents even better. If you feel you didn't repay them enough, now is the time to show your gratitude to them. 

O believers, Remember your parents with gratitude when they pass away. Pray and supplicate Allah for their forgiveness. Keep in touch with their relatives, fulfill their wills, and always remember their good deeds. O Muslims, remember to do charitable work from which your deceased parents can benefit such as building mosques, providing water resources, waqf (religious endowments) and other everlasting charity (sadaqa Jariya). A man asked the Prophet (pbuh) "What am I entitled to do for my parents after their death? The Prophet (pbuh) replied:" there are four things: remembering them with gratitude and praying to Allah for their forgiveness, fulfilling their wills.

Treating our parents well is a religious duty and one of the tenets and principles of Islam. Allah, the Exalted, reinforces the duty to be kind to parents in the Holy Qur'an as this injunction always appears soon after the worship of Allah:"Worship Allah and join none with him (in worship) and do good to parents."(4:36).
Good treatment of parents is also the way of the Prophets. Allah, the Glorious and the Almighty, praised Prophet Yahya (John), peace be upon him, saying:"and dutiful towards his parents, and he was never arrogant nor disobedient (to Allah or to his parents)."(19:14). Allah, the Exalted, describes Issa (Jesus), peace be upon him, saying:" He has made me kind to my mother, and made me not arrogant, miserable."(19:32).
O believers, The Qur'anic commandments as well the sayings of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, guide us in the obligations towards our parents. Indeed, there is an Islamic parent-child code of behavior that will never change since rules were laid down by divine command. Furthermore, grateful to parents is one of the most important acts of obedience to Allah, an act that will earn you the love of Allah and His grace in this world and the afterlife. Fulfilling parents' rights brings prosperity and longevity as the Messenger of Allah said:"He who desires that his life-span and wealth increase, should treat his parents well and with compassion and be good to his kinship."
O servants of Allah, If you treat your parents with heart and soul, you will be rewarded with your children' good treatment. The Messenger of Allah said:"Treat your parents well and your children will treat you well." Not only will you earn Allah's love, it will be your gateway to heaven as well. O servants of Allah, Our parents deserve our utmost kindness and respect. In Islam, the obligations and responsibilities towards them have been addressed in great detail as it encompass all aspects of life. It is incumbent upon us to provide for them and fulfill their financial needs. We must talk to them nicely and with leniency. We have to be humble towards them, obey them, never shout at them. Islam teaches us not to let our parents feel down or angry even by uttering a single word such as "Ugh". Next to Allah, man owes the greatest obligations towards his parents. We must show them kindness, respect and humility. Allah says in His Divine Revelation:" Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor, And our of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say "my Lord! Bestow on them your Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood."(17:23-24).
O Muslims, If you feel that you did not repay your immense indebtedness to your parents, please do so without delay. Express your thanks and appreciation to them for what they have endured to bring you up and the sacrifices they made for your wellbeing. Allah, Exalted is He, says:"Show gratitude to Me and to your parents."(31:14). Even if you are a good child, do treat your parents even better. If you feel you didn't repay them enough, now is the time to show your gratitude to them.
O believers, Remember your parents with gratitude when they pass away. Pray and supplicate Allah for their forgiveness. Keep in touch with their relatives, fulfill their wills, and always remember their good deeds. O Muslims, remember to do charitable work from which your deceased parents can benefit such as building mosques, providing water resources, waqf (religious endowments) and other everlasting charity (sadaqa Jariya). A man asked the Prophet (pbuh) "What am I entitled to do for my parents after their death? The Prophet (pbuh) replied:" there are four things: remembering them with gratitude and praying to Allah for their forgiveness, fulfilling their wills.

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